I met Jillian at Building Better Moms in Kansas City. Remember that group? I so wish we had one here.
Jillian seemed sleep deprived, a little nutty and super sweet. Totally my kind of girl.
Our kids became instant friends and we did, too. She visited last week and now our kids are counting the days, weeks, months.....until she returns with her family for a California vacation. Hopefully next summer. We can't wait!
Jack wasted no time getting comfortable with her. Slid in early one day and took a nap right on top of her. For about 2 hours. She's a patient guest, no?
We have birthdays one day apart.
She brought me this to celebrate. I love it.
Night 1 included kids in bed early and a visit on our back patio.
Night 2 included rain and lots of it. So, we stayed in and attempted charades. This resulted in Lainey scattering kitties around Jillian. Again, very patient. :)
Jillian witnessed all sorts of Starnes oddities. I hope she was scribbling down notes somewhere because we were all kookier than usual, believe it or not.
Jack rushed in at some point and declared that he found this bell, originally from Santa's sleigh, slightly crushed by a reindeer taking off in the middle of the night, but still in tact for the most part.
I can't make this stuff up, yall.
We had no plans for Disneyland, Legoland, the beach or anything touristy at all. We just wanted to visit.
Played Phase 10 (an old family favorite) in the gazebo. Perfect.
And, our fish died.
In less than a month, I've lost a cat and killed a fish. More on that later.
Jillian delighted us with all sorts of wackiness from her childhood while visiting night 1..
One such story included her mother sitting her and her 3 siblings down to watch the 'steamy' scene between Kelly McGillis and Tom Cruise in Top Gun.
You know the one.
Then, she proclaimed that it wasn't anything like that, it hurt and that you shouldn't do it.
Had to take her down to the water to see the house it all started in. The Top Gun House.
We couldn't stop laughing taking the pictures.
Then, we moved on to another lesson in life.
CarterJackLainey (the fish's name.....just go with it.....none of them would give in) was buried at sea.
After Lainey screamed, "I didn't eben want him to die!" upon finding CarterJackLainey belly up, we knew we had to address this with a fair amount of respect.
So, we lied to her.
By agreeing with her.
Said the fish would swim off if we took it to the ocean.
Save the commentary. You would have done it, too, if you'd seen those big green eyes crying.

Shortly after the ceremony, we drove down Coast Highway, only to find a small band set up just meters from where we were.
Had I known, I would have hired them for the ceremony.
Off to the Davidge house we went to watch the LSU game.
Jillian painted faces.
Mike set up the stereo system to blare the
LSU fight song into the harbor at opportune times during the game.
We ate like kings.
My little Cajun loved it. Carter, too. Jack? Notsomuch.
Look at that final score.
Take that, Saban. (Good, huh Cindy?)
It was a crazy fun night.
I returned Jillian to the airport the next day. I hate that part. Saying goodbye. Yes, we text each other all day, every day. Just wish she and her family were closer.
In other news, I decorated for
There you go. There it is. I know you're impressed.
Blake painted this darling table and chair set from Land of Nod. We needed a new look for it and some weather sealant. Love it. We use it often.
And, I purchased this second-hand set of furniture.
Now, to paint.
What color? Any ideas?
It will stay there......we'll add a rug and a coffee table......the Land of Nod table will be adjacent to it and there is a Pine armoire out of view up against the house. We have a TV to set up in there, too.
Blake will finally have his outdoor living room.
Perfect for California.
So, ideas on color? It will need to be painted and then somewhat distressed to blend with what the weather will bring to it. I'll purchase new cushions, too.
What else?
***I renewed our Disneyland passes today. Another year of fun (and possible You Tube videos) awaits!
Well, I renewed our current ones. We have to sign up Lainey for her own pass. Now that she's 4. After a year of "sit criss cross applesauce, Laine and cover up with this blanket if you want to go in the park!", I think it's time.
I know. Not our finest parenting moments. But, Disneyland is EXPENSIVE, yall. And, she was barely 3 when we moved here.
Please forgive me, Walt. I promise I spent the money in other ways at your fine establishment.
***I'm offering $8 blog headers until 11/11/11. Email me if you're interested!
***Caroline arrives soon for Thanksgiving/Christmas fun! We'll be putting up the tree, paying Disney a visit with a 2 day trip to Anaheim, exchanging gifts, seeing Santa, welcoming the elf for the season, and shopping like mad. It's my favorite of all her visits, I think.
Off to read. Loving George Bush's Decision Points. Oh, and I get my Kindle back this week. Anyone trading books yet? Fill me in on how to do it!