Lainey Bug is getting pretty good at board games. And, by getting good, I mean she's a cheater. But, look at that face. Who could be mad?
She's learning to snorkel, too. Jack? "No fank you." He's content playing with his trains on the side of the pool and throwing in people's pool bags. With phones in them. I'm shocked we haven't been kicked out of the pool this year. He goes into some sort of 'roid rage every now and then and starts picking up furniture and throwing stuff in the pool. I don't know about that kid.
One of my favorite parts of summer.......watching our plants thrive.
Jack convinced me to buy him this water/sand toy from the Dollar Spot at Target recently and I'm afraid I'm going to have to fit this bad boy in our luggage somewhere because he's so in love with it. Smart move, Case.
Carter's hair is growing out and he's looking like the shaggy dog I love.
Croquet and bocce ball have become favorites here.
Until Jack picks up the mallet.
Kick ball! Watch out, Laine.
Blake and I have been hanging out sans kids a lot. Having fun. And, look at that tan! He's going to kill me for posting this picture, but I think he looks adorable.
Lainey prefers her $3 Walmart swimsuit over all of the pricey ones I've bought her. Of course! It has a star on it.
Little punks are learning new tricks.
And, Jack won't give up his old man shoes. What 4 year old wants to wear these?!
Our house is quiet tonight because Batman is at the kitty hospital. They're doing some tests to see if he has a UTI. He did not care for the drive there......gobbled like a turkey and cursed me the entire way. Caroline was on the phone with me and laughed and laughed. Ryan, too!
And, speaking of......please say some prayers for Ryan and Caroline's dog, Hope. She has been sick all week and very lethargic. Caroline stayed back in Texas to help take care of her. We're anxiously awaiting her arrival here, but know she's best there until they learn more.
One more thing.......have yall heard of Crazy 8? Holy cuteness. (the website doesn't do it justice) I've seen it come in our store here and there......and thought it must be super pricey. Mini Boden-esque and a lot like Crewcuts.....both favorites of mine. I went to the mall today for the first time in 6 months and saw we had a store. It's fantastic! Owned by Gymboree.......less expensive.......and AWESOME design. Not sweet like Gymboree. It's trendy and hip. I bought a ton for the kids to take to the beach. Precious stuff.
I'm off to read, folks. Half way through Water for Elephants and LOVING it. Anyone read it?