Beautiful views just before finding Bear Lake Drive.
Jack enjoyed all parts of the area.
Our sweet one of their finer moments.
Time to fish!
Dad leading the way.
Sweet Lainey stayed back and practiced being cute instead of fishing.
Blake, drawing from his experience in Indian Guides, I suppose, informed us all that a moose caused the stripping from this tree. The boys were fascinated.
Room to run.
Jack + water = happiness.
The return trip. Blake actually carried the little ones, too....but I didn't get a picture since we have so many others from previous hikes.
We are going to miss these weekend trips into the mountains upon moving to Kansas. Luckily, we have the Lake of the Ozarks to discover, Eureka Springs, several other lakes and more.
Colorado has certainly brought out our best nature-loving side and inspired a whole new perspective on the outdoors.