Monday was a "free day" at the
Denver Botanic Gardens, so we set out for a few hours in the sun. It's been unseasonably warm here recently.....nearly 70 today....absolutely beautiful.
The boys love rolling down this hill. I remember doing this as a kid....where was that....Clark stadium, maybe? Somewhere in Plano. We laughed and laughed and the boys do, too.

Carter is thrilled Jack is talking more, doing more, running more....because little brothers need to be chased.

Baby girl sat back with Mama and watched it all.

And, giggled. Not much cuter in the world to me.

Lots of room to run....a necessity with these children.

More photography by Carter.... Look at that hair. Sorry, Courtney. And, Britney.

My life as I know it right child attached to me and waiting for the other two. No complaints. I love it all. (most of the time)

***Note - most cities do "free days" at museums, gardens and parks. I seem to get an email from friends or neighbors alerting me each year for such days, but have googled it before, too, and found info. It's a great risk-free day for pressure if a kid melts down and you have to leave early or if they're just not into it....come and go as you please. Look it up in your town!