And, you know what? It feels pretty good.
Blake is on his way down the street to a party with neighborhood friends, so I stayed back with the children. We've been out all day running errands and enjoying some coming home to sit on the couch tonight sounded great.
A few pictures from our crazy night.
Carter eating our "party food" as he calls it.
With Jack in front of the last remnant of Christmas....our bare be taken down tomorrow. Amen!
The boys.
Jack stranded in the push-and-go buggy he got from Santa.
Giving Lainey a kiss.
"Didn't we talk about allowing him so close to me?"
Jack was very kissy tonight.
And, he was loving his Thomas Train.
Finally, Carter takes the handle and pushes Jack through the house at speeds well over the recommended limit.
I'm sure this is discouraged as well.
Hoping you all have a wonderful New Year's Eve and a restful day watching football tomorrow.