McNamaras came in over the weekend and into the week.
So fun to have them in town!
Visited the beach and the harbor after Carter's basketball game.
Tried for a shot of Allison and me. This is the best that came out.
Allison and I figured out that Jack was the age of Cailyn when we met. And, Lainey was barely 3. Crazy.
We gifted this bike that Blake created to them. Littles learned to ride on two wheels with it. A blatant rip off of the very expensive version sold in stores today. Basically, he just took the peddles off. Forces them to learn balance.
We've been a comedy of errors lately. I got a flat tire en route to the zoo. Allison took the kids while I tended to road side assistance.
More on that later.
Upon arriving, I was greeted warmly. Is there anything better?
At one point, years ago, these two we slated to get married.
Jack is SO not interested now.
Allison pointed out this lovely lesson to the children. Anything that mentions "dragging the carcass" is always appropriate.
Hosted a party for Allison one evening.
Valentine cookies were decorated.
Clearly, we are raising over-achievers.
McNamaras are big fans of Finn.
Finn is still undecided on the McNamaras.
They are back to Sacramento now and we miss them dearly. Until next time!