That means that all things Halloween are finally legal in the Starnes household.
Know what else that means? A trip to the pumpkin patch is in our near future. Be ready for yours by visiting this link. State by state listings of patches, Autumn recipes, Halloween goodies and more.
Let's take a look back at our punkins in the patch last year, shall we? My goodness, they're cute. If you don't agree, don't tell me. I'll never know the difference because I'm their mother.
And, a more accurate photo from that photo shoot. This is right about the time Jack started pointing at us while screaming, "Noooo!" when he became frustrated. Always lovely while out in public.
I'll be starting my "Fall Favorites" again this evening. Will be writing from the ICU in Dallas while I visit Caroline. Many will likely overlap from last year because, well, they're favorites of mine. And, they are carried out each season. So, if you're seen one before, just smile and act surprised.
Yesterday, the little ones joined me for our last Farmer's Market trip of the year. I know. What will I do for fresh veggies? I guess Target stock will be going up soon seeing as how much I cook. Might want to add some to your portfolio in consideration of the holiday season approaching.
Back to the market. Look at all the beauty we found:
Mums are on the schedule for next week. Lots of spucing up and removing of Lantana, which is threatening to take over our yard. Love that flower, but it's time to go.
Hello, cutie pie pumpkins. I do so love the first sight of you each year.
Jack and Lainey each held our carving pumpkins en route to the car. Between these, the 3 large ones on my mantle, and those scattered over the balcony and patio, we're at capacity.
After shopping, we took a walk through downtown and listened to the band.
Get down, girl. Go ahead, get down. Lainey is never scared to bust a move.
I love the crowd that gathers here on market days. Lots of kids and nice people.
Walked even further over to the park nearby. The kids love the statues and I enjoy seeing them run around. The weather is so gorgeous here right now. Crisp mornings and a slight warm up throughout the day. Perfect.
Flying out this evening to Big D. Can't wait to see Caroline and have some sister time. Crossed fingers for Blake and the kids!