Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Building Better Moms

Tomorrow starts a new adventure for Jack, Lainey and me. I'm taking a class at the Church of the Ressurection here in town called Building Better Moms. We have classroom time and then Mom and Tots Field Trips, too. While I'm in discussion, the little ones will attend the school on campus.....receiving a good introduction to a classroom setting, thus preparing them for Preschool.

The classes are broken up into three sections - Early Childhood, Elementary and Teens. Finally! A guide on how to handle the tough stuff!

I'm anxious to get started and see how it all works. In the Early Childhood section, we'll discuss discipline, tantrums and building faith as a family. 3 things we can always improve on.

I may move up to Elementary next year, as I certainly could learn from that curriculum as well. So happy to have these options here in our new home town....including benefits for both me and the kids. Win, win!

Jack is excited to try out his new backpack and Lainey is packing up her baby dolls.

So, wish us luck as we take this next step. I can't wait!


5 Boys And Me said...

Sounds really interesting - I'm sure I could use lots of instruction!! PS - I love your new header/background!

Jodee said...

Enjoy your new outing! It sounds great!

SASS said...

Growing experience, no doubt! For you and the little ones. Good for you! I don't know how you do it!!

donatelli98 said...

Can you do an online lesson for your followers once you master the curriculum - I could use the help!

Dee Stephens said...

Can't wait to hear how it goes! sound interesting!
As for the shirt - I bought it at the LSU Union on one of my trips back to BR.