The Brighton house's was smaller, but filled to the brim. We have an inordinate amount of furniture, which isn't exactly convenient for relocations, but it's helped us with the varied houses we've lived in. Different houses with different built ins and has always been advantageous to hold onto that armoire or pub table.....we've used it all. Totes of clothes saved from Carter for Jack......over a dozen holiday equipment......camping gear......the list is long.
So, after moving in, we avoided the basement and finally broke down to sort through it a few days ago. Some before pictures:
There were small aisles working through the masses so that we could at least grab something if it was needed.
Notice Blake's hand to the right......after he started losing patience with my direction......very nice, honey.
Basements have creepy parts, water heaters and pipes and weird industrial things....usually hidden from us in homes without basements.
Lots of nice furniture stacked high. With boxes and stuff in between! Also included in this mess is about 2/3 of our clothes (only one season can fit in our closets) and a TON of household items, decor and accessories. This 30 year old home has required us to live with less in reach due to smaller closets, smaller bedrooms and a tiny kitchen. Surprisingly, it hasn't bothered us. We just need a place to put it all!
After sorting through the contents, I labeled the boxes according to if they held an immediate interest for us and if not, with specifics for where they'd land when we buy a house next spring.
Blake thought he was a funny guy......after reaching a very delirious state.....sometime around 1:00am.
And, started labeling them like this. "Mom never did listen to Dad" is the last part of that sweet little note.
Now, it looks like this. Not pretty. But, it makes sense and I can easily reach what I need. Holiday, crafts and the like is to the right.....just after you walk in.
Fall clothes, ski equipment, coats to the left.....camping gear and luggage straight ahead.
Makes me happy to see some resemblance of organization......even if you can't see it.
And, my favorite part........our tacky plastic Santa......every basement (and house) should have one. Lainey hugged him this morning while helping me with the laundry.