These are both Carter's shirts. Britney and I are still unsure as to why they had to match.
The baby girls.....
The big boys......
And, Jack, as usual, is stuck somewhere in the middle. Such a punkin! Tries to play with the big boys, but still can manage to mingle with the babies.
Its a Joy to see all my grand kids all together in ONE place.
Wishing I was there !
Do they have Target's in KC ?
Love to all,
Pa / Papi
I think Lainey looks the most unsure. How funny. She has a look on her face like, "ummm, I am supposed to be the baby princess." Love it!
And Carter and T look soooo handsome in their matching shirts.
So much fun...Maci is so cute...and Carter is getting so big. Seeing all the kids together makes them all look so much older/bigger!
Awwweee. that is so fun to have the cousins all together! I know y'all are having a great time!
PRecious! So great that you are all together! HAve a wonderful time! Beautiful kids!
Love Lainey in her mommy post! Adorable!
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