Our patio has been a lot of fun and since we've arrived, several critters have claimed the space, too. We put up 3 bird feeders and have quite the wild bird collection now. Squirrels have become a nuisance, however. They seem to know no boundaries.
This one is plotting my death. He follows me around the house and even watches me walk to the mailbox. See that evil look in his eyes? Stalker. I can distinguish this guy from the rest of them, but the other 3,000 are throwing me off. Wonder if PETA would frown upon my spray painting them to keep track of who is who?
They dig right in and raid the food intended for the birds. This is one of the smaller guys, so he's forgiven.
Batman witnesses this backyard circus every day and never flinches. Tough guy.
Enough of the varmints.....here's an update on us:
Summer is full speed ahead. We're enjoying the pool and our usual outings. Need to get into the city and see more of the downtown area. Love The Plaza and will visit Crown Center again soon.
Carter went to bowling camp this week and is counting the hours until Trysten arrives on Monday! Wrestling.....Lord, give me strength.....remains his biggest passion. Yes, that kind - WWE - where grown men wear ridiculous costumes, play out soap-opera quality quarrels, and then fake fight each other to the ground. This is what he likes. I'd give anything to talk about Bakugan right now. It's that bad, people.
Jack is talking like crazy and is a joy to watch grow from a toddler to a little boy. He went potty today for the first time! Lainey was right behind him wanting to try, too, but I distracted her. Our middle child needs at least one thing to claim as his own, even if it's short lived. Still adores trains. Counts everything in sight and identifies colors, too. Loves helping me in the kitchen.
Lainey Bug is working hard to keep up with her brothers. She's been wearing her baby bjorn around lately and is constantly tucking in a "bebe", feeding one, or pushing one around in her stroller. Still not interested in the pool....instead seems content to walk around the edge and occasionally touch the water. Fine with me. It's intimidating enough having 3 there by myself. If one chooses to stay dry - no problem!
Britney and kids visit next week and we can't wait! Lots of fun stuff planned and plenty of time at home, too. We'll be thrilled to have them here on our turf for a bit.
Life with Blake is lovely. Having a husband again....and one that is here every evening instead of traveling....is a blessing. Everything has fallen into place nicely after our 7 month transition. We're enjoying our little rental house and I'm pleasantly surprised at how well we're doing in a smaller space. And, the trees.....the lovely trees......make the summer heat bearable. We haven't seen 90 degrees yet and I'm in no hurry to do so.
Some work on the house planned for the weekend and plenty of time outside. Enjoy yours!
Seems like everyone is getting used to the new place. And such a fun age for the little ones. I love watching them learn things (most of the time-ha)! Can't believe it hasn't been 90 yet-I need to move to KC!! We are at 97-99 this week, you know what that means....100 is next-yuck!
Love to be updated on your adorable kids! So happy that life in KC is going well. You deserve it!
Have fun with Brit and kiddos next week. Know T and Carter will be so happy to see eachother!
Bowling Camp? I've never heard of that...so fun! A good inside activity for when it gets hot!
It does seem like you've been there longer! Glad it's all falling into place!
Sounds like a perfect summer to me, and bowling camp rocks! It can be a challenge to keep all ages entertained, and it looks like you've got it down!
Your post about the squirrels is cracking me up! You are quite hilarious, my friend. So happy that your sweet family is together again in time for summer. Oh--and I will see your sweet sister-in-law on Sunday. I am leaving for Texas tomorrow and staying with Carrie for the first night. We are planning a trip to their pool and she said Britney is going to meet us. Wish you could be there, too!!
I'm still getting caught up on the blogs..
I'm with you on the squirrels...ughh..
they dig up my pot plants! haven't even put any out this year because I know I'll come home to a porch with dirt all over it!
glad the kiddos are doing well and you !
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