Here are Jack and Lainey with neighborhood friends.....Emma and Jessie. This is the first and last time we saw Jack in the full "knife" costume (plus the Indiana Jones hat).
Pumpkin carving. Blake and Carter are diligently working......Jack won't go near it because it's "yuck" and Lainey is training Yainey Kitty to walk on a leash. Looks about right!
Quite the outfit, sister.
Later, we turned this......
Into this. Yum.
Glowing jack-o-lanterns. Carter designed, scooped and cut the one on the right all by himself. Pretty good!
We received these fun treats in the mail. No name on them. Please let us know if you sent these so I can thank you properly!
Needless to say, the kids loved them.
Blake took the punks to Carter's school parade Friday morning. Blake dressed them and did Lainey's hair. He can do this on his own any day, but usually doesn't do pig tails with bows for Laine. Cute.
Carter and his buddy switched costumes. No surprise there.
I helped with his Halloween party later that day. I asked someone to take our picture and Carter did his best to cover my stripey witch tights. Such a party pooper.
Lainey on our way out to a pre-Halloween event. The princess sleeps.....
Another Halloween outfit. Jack's hand-me-down skeleton shirt. Donna's skirt and Mae Mae's leggings. It takes a village, people.
More to come on our visit to Seaport Village, but had to share these for Halloween. They had a doggie costume party. Lots of fun entries and the kids had a blast.
Here is Cupid.
Big bird!!!!!!! He only had 1/2 his costume on here. I hope he won. It was awesome.
And, finally......our card this year. I didn't send out many, so again, no haters if you didn't receive one. I'm working on our Christmas card now and it will not disappoint. Promise. You all know by now about the fierce competition between Coco and me for who creates the best card. I will win again. And, everyone will get one of those.
Hope your weekend is going well. We are excited for tomorrow night......trick-or-treating with our new neighbors and lots of fun houses to visit. Back soon!