This year, we drove out to Valley Center, California for our annual trek through mud and squashed gourds to find the elusive perfect pumpkin. I did a quick scan of what San Diego County has to offer. When you think of fall harvest, southern California probably doesn't come to mind.....but we did have some options. I chose this one based on the reviews and Merrilee confirmed it was good.
What would I do without her? Everyone needs a Merrilee in her town.
The Ranch:
I knew we'd feel at home here.
I didn't even go in. DIDN'T GO IN!
A. Wasn't up to deterring three children from touching everything in the store.
B. Wasn't up to deterring myself from buying everything in the store. are a delightful child. Look how you brighten this picture!
Not sure why they chose to display a public lynching of Phineas (or is that Ferb?).
In an outhouse, no less. Kids didn't seem to mind.
We fed goats.
And, bebe cows.
Lainey squealed each time they tickled her hand. I love this child. I do.
In between the tantrums....and the constant "Huhs!" in disapproval of anything we're doing....and the dirty looks....and the late nights....and the time I took sending in her application to the Hoarders TV show....and the relentless crying....and the hassle it takes to include her entire entourage of kitties wherever we go.......she squeezes in tiny little moments like this that I won't ever forget. Having a daughter is such a blessing.
Hello, ostrich. He looks friendly and goofy and harmless. But, he's not!
"Wook at dis big punkin, Mom! We need dis one."
Hold the phone. 3/3 smiling? 2/3 looking at the camera? I think we have a winner here, folks!
And, it's over.
Scarecrow contest....
Our bounty.
Jack's back to being Jack.
There he is. Anxiously awaiting the
It's still kind of surreal for me to put my 3 kids on a ride and watch it go away.
It was awesome. They loved it. Well, Lainey cried a bit, but Carter comforted her like the good big brother he is. Jack was in awe, as he is on any "train".
But, as usual, nothing can compare to the bathroom hand dryers. I really should get these kids out more.
Mountain drive home.......glorious.
Back soon with a spicy Question of the Week. Sit tight!
What a fun day at the pumpkin patch -- California style! Our drive home from the pumpkin patch wasn't quite as scenic -- just rows and rows of corn! Love the picture of the punks cooperating!
I still wish I was coming out with the boys this weekend so we could meet up at the beach! It probably would have been alot easier to meet in K.C. at the Great Wolf Lodge! HA HA!
Hand dryers..awesome.
That one picture truly is a winner.
Love it, Casey! The description of Lainey... priceless! I'm still in Awe that you are actually living in California. I want to move to Michigan more than anything.... I need some of your courage.
Hope the pumpkin patch didn't disappoint. Love the picture of the three....especially the one with LC crying. Oh--and is Jack sporting some new loafers?
Good eye, Merrilee! Yes, we still have the others. Still trying to find the nuclear waste dump out here. I'm quite sure the usual trash guys won't pick those babies up.
It looks like you had gorgeous weather. Must have been a few days ago then. We've had nothing but drizzle for a week. We're going camping in Idyllwild this weekend. Woohoo!
That scarecrow contest kinda creeped me out a bit. Especially the Queen of Hearts.
Love the pics.
I am tired just reading about all of your escapades! Looks like lots of fun though!
you should just get a hand dryer for your bathroom! super cute pumpkin patch and what a great picture of the 3...told you threats worked!
I love the pic of Jack with the giant pumpkin. So cute!
So sweet! I love the picture of Jack on the hay ride waiting to take sweet!
love the pics with all of the pumpkins. i might have to jack yours and use them in my house b/c the patch we went to had a huge bounce house and that's ALL G wanted to do. yeah, the day was kind of a bust.
Day-um, Miss Casey - you're getting awfully good with that camera of yours. Those pumpkin pictures are awesome!
Great pics all around. I love Jack.
I love outings out like this! I think the pumpkin patches rank in the top favs for outings with the family!!!
Love the picture of Lainey get squished by the boys and LOVE'N it!! Priceless! Cutie Patooties!
I love your spirit ... you dive right in and find the best of everything to do no matter where you are right away! It always takes me a month or two to get my beacons repositioned and ready to adventure out.
The hand dryer thing cracks me up! Have they seen the ones where you stick your hands in and as you pull them out, your skin is flapping all around? Bet they'd love those. Or it might freak them out.
Great pics, as always!
I love pumpkin patch pictures. Maybe it is all that orange. It reminds me of TN.
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