We took a trip out to Poway, CA.
Population: 52,000
Elevation: 515 feet
Proximity to the ocean: about 35 miles inland
We were told about Poway from friends out here and heard about the great schools, avocado and citrus farms, etc. What we didn't hear was how cute Old Poway Park is.....where this Train Song Festival was held.
Super cute.
We quickly booked tickets for the train and Jack prepared himself for the fun ahead.
The joy.......the joy! Makes me happy to see.
Cute punks waved to everyone.
This was the Train SONG festival......which means there were songs about trains piping in from every direction. I didn't realize the amount of music dedicated to railroad life.
Darling little town......do you see the kitty?
Get a good look, Jackie.
Stopped in The Hamburger Factory for a late breakfast.
Sweet brothers.
Found these two rockers for sale outside. They must have known we were coming. Trains and kitties!
We visited the one-room school house. (Carter's being the teacher here.)
There were lots of town beauties strutting around in their pageant dresses. Lainey was in princess heaven. And, even got to wear a crown!
We visited a Blacksmith Shoppe and the kids were fascinated with the fire.
Everything in this park is picture perfect.
We found the children's area and the little ones were apprehensive to get tattoos. So, Carter took one for the team and let the beautiful girl apply his.
Every time we heard or saw it......."Train! Train! Train!" Never got old.
Toured a farm house from the early 1900s.
Jack walked in, heard 30 seconds of the history lesson and then screamed, "Alright. Wet's get out of here!" Nice. I tucked $5 in the donation bin and we took off.
Loved it. Great little town. Super nice people. We'll be back!
Enjoyed the drive to and from.......so nice being in the mountains again.
Now, on to today.......Pa is in town......a harbor cruise and dinner by the sea is in our future. Later!
I bet Jack was in heaven!!!
Y'all are the funnest parents ever!
Darling header! How long has that been there? lol!
And.... isn't this like the 3rd time Pa has been to visit in like the month that you've been there??? (not that I'm keeping track.)
Oh my word. Heavenly.
And were those pancakes really in the shape of Mickey Mouse? That place is magical.
What a fun day! It looks like Jack was in train heaven!
Hope you have a great time with Pa!
When I saw the word "train" in your post my first thought was train heaven for Jack. I bet he will talk about this trip for a long time.
Jack looks so much like Carter in the pic of the two of them. Wow!
Looks like a precious little town.
And, Jack looks so happy.
Love your kids! xoxo
Jack is awesome. Everytime I see a train, I think of him.
What a precious little town. It's good to see parts of Cali that aren't all LAish.
Not only trains but cats too! Looks like a great day. I am looking forward to fall break when we can do some fun stuff like that. Have a great weekend!
Yes, 3rd time, Heather! We are lucky.
this is awesome! i am loving the looks of ALL of that.
I have never seen him smile so much. Yeah for Jack!!!!!! Your family DOES love you! I'm kidding. I love that he refuses to smile in most photos b/c Christopher is the same way. On the other hand, Sophie and Lainey could fight over who can say "cheeeeeeeeese" the longest. Glad you guys are having fun out in CA!!! (It gets me excited for where we move in a couple months. Hopefully it's somewhere fun!
I love Jack's comment on the history lesson! Too funny!
you always find the cutest things to do, starnes. my kids would love to hang out with you. *i'd* love to hang out with you. perhaps our train rides could include less train songs and more wine though.
Love Carter being the teacher. Totally a keeper for later in life. Also, Jack... cracks me up! Wet's get out of here.. HYSTERICAL!
Picture of Jack and Carter is PRECIOUS! Jack suddenly looks like a big boy. I haven't spent too much time in Poway, but have always thought it was a great area. A little warm, though.
I love reading about all your new CA adventures, Casey! So happy to see you're settling right in. Still completely jealous of the move and especially that back yard! You can have all the fall leaves you want....I'll take the beach! :O)
I agree with Merrilee - Jack is looking so grown up! Love the joy on his face when he's around trains.
What an adorable town! Looks like a fun day for everyone.
Saw your text this morning. Sorry we keep missing each other.
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