I am out of practice. Blake is in the air right now.....flying back from Sacramento.....and I've been solo for not even 48 hours.
I had a ton of anxiety Sunday night (prior to his trip - awaiting final word) and only slept 1.5 hours. And then last night, too, because it was my first sans Blake in a very long time. I only slept a couple hours. I'll get used to it again. Blake traveled quite a bit in Denver and although he'll have few overnights with this San Diego position, he will likely have some long days. Which means, I will, too.
The punks have officially dropped their naps. Jack would probably still be napping, but Miss Lainey refuses. So, we're busy all day. Hence, the early bed time.
Last night, I went into my room to find Carter curled up with a book he's borrowed from me. Do you know how much that makes me smile? I'm trading books with my 4th grader. So cool.
And, since I snapped a photo of big brother, I headed into Jack's room next. Thomas pjs, Thomas pillow, Thomas blanket. And, likely Thomas undaroos, too.
Finally, Lainey. 30 lovies (kitties, babies and the like) are tucked under those 8 blankets.
They're so sweet when they're sleeping. And, most of the time when they're awake, too.
We'll find our groove soon enough.
I love a good nap. Why don't kids like naps? Man, we missed out on the good times. In fact, I love sleep. Too bad I fight insomnia. I wanna go curl up with L and her lovies! She's a doll!
Bless your heart if those kids get up before the sun tomorrow. I would cherish the early bedtime. That's mommy alone time right there.
love your positive attitude! I refuse to let colton stop napping yet, only because when he doesn't nap....he is a complete whiney brat by 4pm and he NEVER goes to bed early. Christian is often asleep by 6:30, Connor and Colton by 7:30
Your sleepers are so sweet. It is hard at our house when dad it gone too. I literally lock everyone in our bedroom for the night!
My kids didn't really outgrow the need to nap until they were about 6 which made kindergarten kind of hard. Sleep schedule was 7:30-7 at that age. I say if the little ones give up napping, they go to bed earlier every day. More quiet time for Carter and parents!
Isn't it amazing how sweet they are when they are sleeping! Mama will get her groove back in no time!
I love the peace in our house when all of the kids are in bed. Kid bedtime at our house is 8:30. Cara is trying to get her time extended, but right now we still say "NO".
Sweet babies sleeping.....
Hudson naps for 2.5-3 hours each day. I hope he keeps that up until he's at least 3 or 4. Highly doubtful though.
the husband is rarely out of town but when he is, i get no sleep at all.
i'd love to go to bed at 530.
I hated naps when I was a kid. Didn't really take them from what I recall after age 3.
I wish I could right now though :(
You will find your groove... give it time. And in the meantime, give those sleeping punks a big kiss for me. They just make my heart smile.
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