Friday, January 16, 2009

Caroline Made My Day

By sending me this quote she found on her Starbucks cup, of all places.....with an even sweeter note tying me to it....and I think I'll keep that just for myself, but wanted to share this with you:

You can shower a child with presents or money, but what do they really mean, compared to the most valuable gift of all - your time? Vacations and special events are nice, but so often the best moments are the spontaneous ones. Being there. Every moment you spend with your child could be the one that really matters. -- Tim Russert


Coco said...

So true.

michelle matthews said...

Love that and I completely agree. I am going to copy this quote.

Shannon said...

I love Tim Russert.

FROGGITY! said...

:) good one!

Moni said...

So touching...especially considering the source. I'm sure he had many wonderful moments with his son before his passing.

Heather said...

Love that!