I've toyed with the idea of posting a question each week to get more readers involved and to get to know you all a bit better. Could be trivial, personal, political, or anything in between. Because, really, I enjoy reading the comments on some blogs as much as I do the posts!
So, to get started.....an easy one timed with the season.
***What is #1 on your list of resolutions?
To slowly but surely start running again.
Send out bday cards and anniversary cards to friends and family.
Write letters more instead email, especially to older family members.
and of course blog more!
To stay in my budget for the first time ever.
To care less about work when I'm home with Lila and to enjoy the months left of her being an only child.
Oh and to get this house organized - reorg closets and throw away the junk we've been carting around for years.
Work with Carter at least 30 minutes a day, during the week, on reading.
Start a family art night...how fun would that be...
healthy living...not diet, but just make healthier decisions on what I am eating and get in shape. Not looking to become a size 0 but just get in better shape and healthier.
To get my crap together.... organize the entire house, finish unfinshed projects, read more, lose weight/exercise more, work to improve & strengthen my faith, make time for my hubby, be a better friend, daughter, wife, mama,...just a better version of myself. :)
Spend more time or even just time on a daily basis in prayer and studying God's Word.
I'm upstairs on the laptop and will email you back when I'm downstairs on the office computer. :)
1. Stop nursing!
2. Loose 12 more pounds
3. Plan more family outings - zoo, museums, etc.
I've so been waiting for someone to chime in, "Spend less time on useless blogs."
Don't do it!
Organize and de-clutter. Stop holding onto things just because I feel guilty getting rid of them
Okay...I won't do it...Someone stop me...One glass of wine, and you can't take me anywhere!
I don't really do resolutions per se but we will be sending out birthday cards to nieces and nephews starting this year. Many of them are old enough to appreciate getting mail and since we have too many to be buying gifts for, a card is a good way to keep in touch we think.
To go to bed earlier
To sometimes leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight (sounds weird, but I need to give myself permission to do this sometimes)
To vacuum my van out more often
To get eye-to-eye with my each of my kids every day, so they know they have my undivided attention
To be more easy-going and not so tied up in knots all the time.
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