Thursday, June 24, 2010

Berry Pickin'

We were up with the chickens this morning.

Left the house at 7:30am in search of The Berry Patch. Found it in Cleveland, Missouri.....just off State Line Road.

I want to live on a berry farm.

Jack was first. He loved it.

Carter needed additional entertainment.....his Ipod.....with new songs uploaded after Sass played them for him.

Beautiful. And, delicious!

My little workers. They all enjoyed it! I was impressed.

Jack was so proud.

Patch 5 was ours.

For some reason, there was a blue dinosaur there. No complaints from this group.

Back at the house.....we weighed in. About 3 $2.65 a pound. Not bad!

Went inside to look at the bees and grab some blueberry muffins. It smelled like my grandmother's house in there. Love that.

Jack enjoyed his muffin.

Until Ester the dog grabbed it from him. Oops.

Time for the blueberry train! Guess who was most excited.

There they are!

We froze half our bounty and will share them with Caroline when she comes in town. Now, off to find some recipes for the other half.

Let me know if you have any suggestions!


Sara said...

I have tons of blueberry recipes! I'll email them to you. My 2nd favorite fruit :)

That place is adorable. Cute punks on the train.

I'm a little worried about what Carter may be listening to now. Hmmm....

Monica said...

Poor Jack. The dog ate his muffin. LOL! I kind of want a blueberry muffin now. Gee, thanks.

Dee Stephens said...

What a cute place! I want to go!! My friend has 2 blueberry trees in her yard but she had to put a net over them to keep the birds away. Wonder how that place does it?

The Soladay Family said...

Casey....can you hear it?'s Carter approaching preteenland. Scary. I will hold your hand. =)

Love the berry train!

Carrie Darney said...

That train is SO much better than the pumpkin one here in McKinny! Your's is more cut out! I couldn't get my fat butt out of the dang cart with Hagen!

We have a blueberry bush...we just planted it...I'm curious too how they keep the birds away!!

Such a cute that Carter can hang with the babies and not care...such a good boy!

Tammy said...

Looks like a great place. The only blueberry recipe I know is muffins. I wanted to make blueberry waffles for Father's Day and all I got was I just like them plain.

Pam Bowers said...

So jealous! Looks like a fun outing. Where Rose lives you can stop on the side of the road and pick berries for free. To the locals they are just more weeds. I've never been up there during ripe season but my mom has.

If the shoe FITZ said...

man, ya'll were up early...sheesh..we were just getting up!

Nate, Abbey, Noah, Blaire and Tatum said...

Looks so fun and what a great morning for it...the temp was actually bearable. We need to try this! And I love that the train was pulled by a riding lawn mower...perfection.

The Luis Family said...

That looks like so much fun! A great family outing and so worth it with all those yummy blueberries! We are a fan of the blue berry here ourselves. Although, we pay $2.65 a pint!!!! Gotta have them shipped in from the good 'ol US of A!

Love your post!!

Oh... and... they moved your trip from Banff??? What the heck were they think'n? Obviously not thinking at all!! Banff is so you! I can totally see you guys there! You will have to make a trip sometime. The scenery is breathtaking!

Anonymous said...

Yay Im glad you posted these pics! I read on FB you were going and I was PRAYING you would post some! I loved berry picking, my MawMaw had muscadine vines, blackberry, and blue berry bushes! I used to pick ever summer!!! Loved it!! The kids are adorable on that train!!! :)

Tutus and Choo-Choos said...

What a fun adventure! Where we live you pick strawberries on a farm not blueberries! If my kids want to pick strawberries they get to go to my parents and pick.

Have fun baking with all of those blueberries! I would pick muffins or pancakes.

Kelly Beatty said...

$2.65 a pound!!! Fabulous. And think of all those antioxidants. We have all the blackberries we can eat here but it's waaaayyy too hot!

timmonstimes said...

Such a cute place:) Even cuter kiddos!

aunt caroline said...

Carter's face in the first train pic is priceless!

And... are your kids riding in former toxic waste containers?

Why am I the only one laughing my a** off at this post???

starnes family said...

Caroline! Quit making these pointless observations. They painted the containers blue. Totally fine now.

Jodee said...

It looks like the kids had a blast! We hope to go berry picking soon too! Yummy!

The Rand's said...

Blue trains! Love how happy that makes Jack!!
Such a cute place!
Now I want to go berry picking.

Merry Mack said...

This Looks like so much fun, but I think if I did this here I would hate it because I would be dripping with sweat before we got out of the car. I am so tired of sweating, but happy you are so industrious.

Kim said...

What a great time! I have been wanting to go to a berry farm for quite sometime but it has been so muddy. Here it is strawberries. Have a great weekend!

Lauren W said...

I'm so glad you liked it. We had fun too. And that blueberry lemonade was to die for.

I posted a pic on my blog of individual cheesecakes with blueberry sauce. We used our berries for that. Holla if you want the recipe.

Melissa said...

Here are a few of my favorite blueberry recipes!

Blueberry Smoothies:
I absolutely love to make smoothies and one of my all-time favorites only uses 2 ingredients--vanilla yogurt and frozen blueberries. I do not have any "exact" measurements for either ingredient, just get out the blender, add the yogurt and bluberries and blend! It is delicious--you can also add any other frozen fruits for a twist on the flavor!

My two other favorite recipes using bluberries are

Bluberry Cobbler and Blueberry-Lemon Banana Bread w/ Cream-Cheese Glaze. The Bread has a fantastic flavor w/ the combination of blueberries and lemon--yum! I may have to make some this weekend now that I am thinking about it! I will e-mail them to you.

Enjoy :)

SASS said...

Okay, thank God Caroline was cracking up, because I'm dying over here. Jack's muffin stolen by a dog has me rolling. Is that bad?
Oops, sorry about the music. I sort of gave him free reign over my iTouch...nothing too bad right?!?!
We'll have to check out this place. So dang cute!