Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dead Animal Update And Sass, Too!

Lots of fun details coming soon regarding the removal of the dead animal from our home. For now, I have to go disinfect every square inch of this house. Blake's at the pool working on his unemployment tan and watching the three punks swim and dive. I'm here cleaning and vaccuming. But, it's quiet. You decide who has it worse today.

I'll be back soon......until then, head on over to Sass's blog and watch a video of the crazies. She babysat last night. I'm not sure if she does it because she's a good friend of mine, genuinely nice, or looking for interesting blog material. You can decide on that one, too.

Sass's blog here.

Later, peeps! There's a pile of dead squirrel remains calling my name.


donatelli98 said...

Have fun with that dead animal - I think I would rather be at the pool with a Daddy drink and kids!

Pam Bowers said...

I watched the video. Next time I'm on facebook I'm telling Meow Meow that he didn't make the cut for favorite stuffed animal. Lainey is in soooooo much trouble!!!!

Really cute video. Loved Jack's laugh. All the kids have great personality's. I watch my best friends kids all the time.

FROGGITY! said...

dead squirrel remains?! i am a little behind, please to forgives me.

can't wait to see the video!!

Tutus and Choo-Choos said...

Blake may have gotten the better deal on this one!

Jodee Leader said...

I hate to clean so the pool with the punks sounds more fun to me! Headed over to watch the video now!

The Lenzers said...

brats or squirell guts...tuff call!!!! Have fun and enjoy the quiet

J said...

Oh man, that brings back bad memories of an unfortunate raccoon family that croaked in my chimney a few years ago. I had to pay someone to vaccuum them out. I remember thinking then 'I wish I had a husband to handle stuff like this for me.'. Of course now that I'm married I know I'm pretty much in charge of every stinky situation. Sigh. Good luck on the clean up!

Dee Stephens said...

dady drink 4 me!

Rebekah Williams said...

"unemployment tan"
"the three punks"

How are you so effortlessly hilarious?!!

starnes family said...

Rebekah - must give my husband credit for the unemployment tan. He's a funny, funny man.

Kim said...

Ewww, dead squirrel? Can't wait to hear more. I am jealous of the unemployment tan but no jealous to be unemployed. Hope the job search is leading you somewhere.

Sara said...

Oh man, I don't envy you cleaning up a dead squirrel. Yucko!! Glad y'all found out what it was though.

And it could be worse....at least it wasn't a rat.

That video is hilarious. Wild hooligans.

Merry Mack said...

I was with until you have dead squirrel remains on your hands. I was going to pick cleaning house in quiet, but I am not sure about cleaning up a dead animal. Three kids at the pool needs a drink to go with the unemployment tan.

We had squirrels in our attic in my childhood home. Once a mama cat had babies in our attic and they fell into the wall crying and meowing like crazy. We had to take the paneling off and save them. Our neighbor took one if the kitties and that was one wild cat.

Good luck with your project. Off to watch the video.