We had a terrific first week!
Look at these elementary kiddos coming out of their first day:
They adore their teachers. We adore their school!
Fun fact: This is the longest run for us thus far in a school district. With Colorado being next at 3 years, San Diego has taken the lead as we enter our 4th year here.
Feels good to be settled!
We left school to go get supplies and ran into Meow.
True love can't be stopped simply by school boundaries.
I cut my hair finally. Blake likes it short.....shorter than this, actually......but I'm headed in that direction. No color this time.......just cut........color in a couple of months. It's way trendier than I usually do....with the longest points in the front and it stacked in the back.
I love it.
Wearing it curly today......it does well both ways.
Lainey and I went to see Grease Saturday night. Jack declined and Carter was in Dana Point kayaking all weekend. He originally wanted to go, but kayaking will trump anything for him.
It was a ton of fun.
I love this theatre. Aladdin is next!
This next week includes a trial family membership at the YMCA, some volunteer time for me, plenty of work (from home and at the photography studio), and prep for Disneyland on Friday.
Have a great week!
I love the hair! It looks great on you. Very becoming!
Glad the first week went well!
Holy cow! I can't believe that you have been in San Diego that long. It seems just like yesterday that you were packing up and moving!
Love, love, love your new do! It's perfect on you!
Love the new hairdo! I used to have that hair and I received tons of compliments. Love you are off to a great school year!
LOVE..LOVE..LOVE! the hair! Brad likes mine short too!
Lainey is getting so grown up!
love your hair. I am in a hair rut. I don't know what to do. i've always liked short styles but michael does not. ;(
plus it ages me like 10 years.
The kids are so adorable! Am totally jealous of your great weather! Love your hair!!
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