We're finally there.
Week 4 (?) of school and we're smooth sailing!
Carpools in place, meals planned, volunteer time scheduled, work going and household chores are getting done. It's no easy job coordinating it all. But, we all do better with our days laid out nicely.
I've put some firm rules in place that have helped us tremendously:
*No Ipads in the morning until ALL chores are done.
*30 minutes of TV and a snack after school, then homework. No privileges until everything is complete.
*Allowance and privileges can be taken away for lack of effort in the classroom.
So far, we've been super successful with these rules. I'm averaging 2-3 hours a night with school work. Guiding worksheets, checking over work, assisted reading and computer time......it all adds up, but it all counts!
Cheers to great grades and an easy transition into the controversial common core curriculum!
We're all going to learn a lot this year.
We, too, function better with structure and routine. I need to take away electronics in the morning because I am sick of being ignored and I am sick of asking them to get ready a million times! Grrrrr!
I had to, Jodee, for the same reasoning. They're zombies!
This is our week of school and we have iPad issues. Since we homeschool it's extra important to keep a schedule or we have chaos! So far having a teenager is fun...I hope it stays that way!
Wurk it girl. I like that routine.
Sounds like you are running a tight ship - I like it!
I'll have to remember the electronics rule!
I agree that structure and organization are key. I am averaging about 3 hours of homework with them. The checking of homework, studying for tests with them and listening to them read just takes time. I guess that is their quality alone time with me.
Great plan of action!!
Sounds like a great plan! We do a half hour of TV or iPad time right after school too before we start homework. They do just need a little break I think before jumping into it.
Good rules.
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