Sunday, March 30, 2014

Carter, Employed

We have a hard working 13 year old in this house right now.

Over spring break, he started his own business, passing out flyers to the neighbors with pricing on jobs he'll do. Included on that list.......trash can removal/replace, landscaping, pet and house sitting, etc.

He got his first job quickly and worked 15 hours over the past two days.

He has more disposable income than I do right now!

Many months ago, we started him on managing his allowance to include all social events and expenses for the two week period until he gets paid again. He's learned some lessons and has worked hard at grasping this important part of life. And, with a taste of earning money, he wanted more.....thus, this new business venture.

He already has two more jobs lined up and I'm sure there are more to come.

So proud of this kid!

He's 2.5 years from driving and is getting a good start on money management. And, he's looking for more opportunities to earn.

And, he's done all of this while playing on the middle school basketball team, maintaining a 4.0, continuing his CCD studies, and handling his own chores around here.

Good work, Carter Starnes!


Adaptable Kay said...

I'm proud of him, too, and he's not even my own kid! LOL Honestly, THIS is what kids need to be taught in school; not just how to start up a business but how to manage their money.

I cannot tell you how many kids my age (I'm 24) don't know how to manage their money. One of my friends didn't even know what a deposit slip was!!

Teaching kids about money management early on sets them up for success in the future :)

Dee Stephens said...

That rocks!! My parent's neighbor has a son the same age and he's doing the same. He's raking in the dough!! Currently, he's been helping a neighbor build a screened in porch.
You should be soo proud! :)

Katherine P said...

That's fantastic! I'm sure you're beyond proud. Managing money is definitely an important skill to learn. I didn't learn it until I was out on my own and a lot of stress could've been avoided if I had. We are definitely making sure the kids don't repeat my mistakes! It is funny when they start having more money than you isn't it!

Tutus and Choo-Choos said...

Very proud of Carter! Glad he is looking for ways to earn money instead of just waiting for the opportunity to find him.

Around here, we told Cara that at age 13 this is probably her last free summer. Next summer she will be old enough to work at the water park. But, she has already been asked by a mother at school to help organize her house. Cara was on top of that opportunity.

donatelli98 said...

Awesome job Carter and to you and Blake for raising such an amazing kid!

Anonymous said...

Yay -- Way to go Carter! I wish there was a kid like him in my neighborhood -- I have some jobs that need attention.

Jboo said...

P.S. Can you send me any really good DisneyWorld tips? Heading there in 2 weeks -- count em 2 weeks! :)

Sara said...

Way to go, Carter!! Impressive!

Jodee said...

Wow! That rocks! You are raising such an amazing guy! He's going to be a great catch some day! HA HA!

Unknown said...

Can I get a "whoop whoop." Carter and his parents are awesome.

Kate @ Daffodils said...

That is awesome! We want to install the same sense of responsibility to our kids!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

What a great kid! You should be proud of him!