Bought Jack and Lainey these cute watering cans from Target. Putting them to work to help maintain the landscaping. Between them and our gardener, the plants are looking fabulous!
I love banners. LOVE.
Welcome back, Cold Lamby! The one on the left was lost for a while. She's original, from many years ago, given to Jack as a baby gift from my cousin, Angie. Laine took it over and has been in love ever since. The one on the right is probably our 10th generation......I buy them from Ebay used (we don't like the bright white ones, obviously).......and then drag them around my car for a month prior to handing them over.
I have walked the entire land of Disney and many cities looking for these damn precious lovies.
They (or one) will be attending LSU with Lainey.
Went to Kansas City recently and took this pic from the air for Jack. Still a train lover.
While there, I hung out with these cute girls.
We did a lot of laying around. Jillian was recovering from surgery. I just went to keep her company.
While there, I met up with my first baby, Katie. The "little girl" I babysat as a kid. Sass's sister. Now, she has babies of her own.
And, I'm officially old.
Back at Jillian's, a few of my KC girls came to breakfast.
I miss Kansas so much. Such a fantastic place to live. Love the wide open spaces, the gorgeous trees and the people. The people are what make the Midwest so amazing.
Love this girl. She hates this picture. I love it. Sorry, Jil.
I am at war with the snails. This is what happens in 3 days time with the snails running free.
It's personal now.
And, finally......the biggest news of all.
My big brother got engaged 2 days ago!
In Hawaii, on the beach, at sunset.
They are a perfect match and I couldn't be happier. Yay for a new Sister-in-Law!
Off to clean up before we help with Kindergarten today. So fun to see Jackie in the classroom.
Oh, and his new fascination is sweaters. Still loves ties, but wants "fancier" shoes and wears a sweater every day.
I can't keep up.
YAY for your brother!!
Lainey is going to LSU?! LOL!
I can't believe how big the twins are getting!
Nice cleavage in the breakfast pic! Glad you had a great time on your trip!!
LAUREN!!!!!!!!!! I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry. Focus. I forgot what I was going to say now. Sorry. Um, guess I'll have to come back later. Looks like you had fun! Oh, I remember! How is Sass? I can't open her blog anymore. Just let me know when she decides to get preggo and join the rest of us crazies! : )
What a fun trip! You know how much I love the Midwest. It really is a hidden secret!
We have similar lovies (clean and dirty).
I have that banner too!
I cannot believe that is what snails do to plants. Glad I don't have to deal with snails in the Midwest only rabbits eat my plants down to the ground or leave the plant as a stalk and eat all the leaves as high up the stem as they can reach.
1. Nice boobs. They look perky and stuff. Mine are NOT.
2. You have friends?
3. Your bro looks like a hottie. Too bad he's getting married.
When's the next vacation? I'm sure you've got some money burning a hole in your pocket about right now....
yep, hate the pic. love you.
LOVE your hair with the baby boy twins. Are the twins wearing LSU gear? I'm getting confused. Congrats on a new SIL! SIL's can be fun. I have fun ones and fun CIL's (Cousin's in Laws) too. Those lambies are disgusting. Just hideous, I'm barfing a little. LOVE that you had a nice trip with Jillian and her 3 bebe girls! Jack is too much.
Oh sweet Jack . . . I hope Quinney falls in love with a man like him some day.
Also, big brother is a hottie. Lucky fiancee he has ;)
Final thought- you look fabulous with babies in your arms. Tell Blake to get to work and make another little Starnes human with you. Just my suggestion.
It was awesome to see you, Casey! Come back! Besides Casey in KC was a much better tag line for your blog.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the one of you and Piercey & Blainer! They both look happy (that's hard to capture). And that's a good one of Kate, too. She rarely gets pictures of her with the beebs. So sad I missed you while you were here. Miss yer face.
Snails got personal. Love it.
Yay for ya bro! Mucho love.
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