Wow, yall are an inquisitive bunch. I had no intention of teasing you yesterday......please forgive.....but, I simply can't sit down to write and act like we're business as usual.
Details coming soon......please be patient while we make some big decisions. Until then.....
A few side notes:
*Carter placed 2nd in his grade's Spelling Bee. He almost won it! We are beyond proud. He missed on "catastrophe". Coco, Blake and I argued over the spelling once it was told to us and eventually had to look it up to confirm. So, he's OK in my book. (Even though I got it right, of course).
*The garage sale was mildly successful. We sold a few larger items, but didn't make much over $100. And, most of that went to the sitter for Sass's wedding. Which reminds me. I'm in the wrong profession. Babysitters make bank!
*We will have a 4th grader as of end of school this Friday. 4th grader. Seems so big. While I'm not ready for our kiddos to get older, I am ready for Carter to be finished with school and out for the summer. We have lots of fun things planned! Including a trip to Texas Hill Country to visit Coco at her house. Can you imagine all the fun her husband and Blake will have discussing our craziness?
On to the question.......

Sass's mom taught me to use scissors to cut kid food eons ago. Namely, oven-cooked pizza. It really makes a difference.......a whole lot easier.
And, if you're somewhere with those cheep plastic knives and forks (Sbarro pizza!), it's an even bigger help. So, I took her little secret one step further and tossed a small pair of sewing scissors into my baby bag. I've used them for years.....for everything from cutting kid food to quick clothing repairs and the like.
I know. I'm a genius.
***So, what sort of oddity do you keep in your purse? Doesn't have to be kid-related. Anything we need to know?
hand sanitizer. I have a mini bottle in the purse and in my car. Never leave home without it. Is that weird?
I always thought catastrophe should be spelled like cat-ass-trophy but that's just me.
That mini-M&M container thing that I blogged about? I used to always have it in my purse when my Blake was little. Came in handy for fountains (he loved throwing coins in), vending machines, pressed quarters.
Oops, I should clarify that I stored quarters in it. :)
I keep a manicure set in my purse. Got it at Bath and Body Works. It comes in SO handy! The part that I use the most is the little scissors. Mainly to cut straws for Hagen. He will get a small cup with an giant straw and I just cut it down a bit to make it shorter.
ALWAYS have gum. And right now I have a tissue paper flower H made for me for Mother's day...he asks about it everyday so it will be attached to my purse for a LONG.TIME. It's already looking a bit ragged!!
Dee - me, too!
Neal - what do you keep in your purse?
Shannon - you need to introduce your site!
Carrie - the scissors I keep are used to cut straws, too. So many uses.
Carrie, I have that same set and I only got it because it was one of those "if you spend $25, you get something free" deals and I needed a little something to get to $25. Now I use it almost every day. Handy little kit.
Oh, and Casey said I should introduce my site. It's a site called That Travel Spark and it's travel info and tips posted Monday - Friday at
Imodium. Yea, I said it.
"Commode-ium" That's what we refer to it as in our hizzie...
thank you, Carrie - I'm stealing that!
i used to keep "commode-um" everywhere when i was in college. so stressed back then! now it's hand sanitizer, little advil pack and nail clippers. oh and breath mints. never leave home without them. terrified of having severe bad breathe. nobody will ever tell you! so annoying.
i used to keep ear plugs in the car. does that count? sophie was a serious screamer. still is, but it's much less often.
first aid kit, and sanitizer for sure and you can pretty much count on me for tissue
tiny pocket sized corkscrew (not that i need it now)
green apple tic tacs (for the kiddos)
Vanilla Cupcake hand sanitizer. I hate washing my hands in public places. Odd, I know. It just grosses me out- being all wet and touching the paper towel thing, and dripping all over my arms. Grossness. I'm a freako. So I carry my sanitizer.
And chapstick. A million of 'em. A notebook- for all the random crazy thoughts I have. Right now there is a green condom. Soooo... before you judge and think I'm a slutastic ho, it's actually left over from St. Paddy's day. My friends and I went a bit extreme with our green, and bought a giant box of green condoms to hand out as a sort of PSA. We even had a slogan, "Don't rely on luck if you choose to..." You can finish the rhyme. Yup... we are completely loco.
Feel free to start judging now.
Shared the scissors idea with my MOPS group tonight - don't think they were as impressed as I was.
I was hoping Allen would be in his second grade spelling bee, but he talked in line and got disqualified. Happy to hear Carter did so well.
I keep a PEZ dispenser and a never ending supply of PEZ. A mini pack of PEZ can solve almost any problem for my 2 year old. A mini pack only has 6 pieces but it can get us through 30 min. of grocery shopping. I also keep wet wipes.
Nothing weird in my purse .. store coupons (Ann Taylor Loft, DSW, Gap, etc.) ... advil ... immodium (when I travel)... bandaids (hello kitty at the moment)... wet ones antibacterial wipes .. nothing odd.
My friends' mom (who is Italian) always used scissors to cut pizza when we were kids. I use them all the time now to cut our pizza.
Dental floss is probably the weirdest thing. I can't stand food in my teeth. I also always carry chapsitck or lip gloss as i hate dry lips too.
Can't wait for the big news. I feel out of the loop.
airport bottle of kahlua. you know, for emergencies.
Sally Hansen cuticle oil, Aveda Hand Relief lotion, and Orbitz Sweet Mint Gum! Always have them! I'm not a big hand sanitizer doc told me that good old fashion soap and water works better, and that all the hand sanitizers were going to produce super germs! SCARY!
I have a mini first aid kit ALWAYS for life's little emergencies. It's amazing all of its uses. Also, a black sharpie. Carry one everywhere. Label, label, label...when you have multiple children, labeling saves a lot of problems!
A mini bottle of lube. You never know. Can't say I've never needed it....
Benadryl, always. It works for everything: allergies; sleep; pain reliever (via sleep).
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