While we're all enjoying this over the weekend....

Let's be sure to remember and honor this....

It's more than just beer and brats (the food, not the kids.....although they'll be there, too).
History here.
Recipes here.
Kansas City events here.
We'll be kicking off summer with a trip to the pool today, a cookout this evening with friends, surely a backyard baseball game somewhere in there.....and then the real thing.....our first Royals home game! Punks will be decked out in jerseys. Can't wait.
We are so lucky to live where we do. Let's thank God for all of those simple privileges we enjoy as Americans each day. That I, for one, take for granted all too often. People gave their lives for this country.....for us to live freely. The very idea of it baffles me at times.
And, this video still gets me every time.
It is so awesome that you recognize the simple freedoms our service members give up for duty in our country. No choice of where to live, how long the work day will be, how long you will be away from family and friends. It's worth it, though. I'm so proud to be a veteran and the spouse of a veteran. Thanks :).
Who knows? Maybe one day Baby Lainey will be a Navy Nurse???
I posted one similar to this but it was soldier surprising their families. Oh my gravy - I cried and cried! Like I did just now watching this one. What a great post. And let me just say I am truly coveting those strawberries...{{sigh}}
Love that video! I'm just boiling because there is a house on our street that is flying the flag upside down. I don't know EXACTLY what that means but know it is VERY disrespectful...
Wow, love that video! And Carrie (you don't know me:) but that is INSANE about the flag being flown upside down. I'm hot just thinking about it. Don't live here if you are that passionate about it!!!
Oh, Kel, I would love it!
They showed a video of troops coming home today in church and I couldn't watch because I would have been crying my eyes out. I'm so grateful for our freedoms and the men and women who have served, especially those who gave their life for our country.
@Carrie, I don't know about your neighbor, but a flag flying upside down is supposed to signal distress.
God bless America!!!! We are so lucky! I have been trying to explain such things to Connor...should have just left that one alone for now
I love this post! Thanks for posting the video too.
Hope you had fun at the game! I can't wait to see pictures!
Great post Casey - thanks for reminding everyone why we have this holiday!
casey i love this post!! makes me proud to be an american. and also reminds me of just HOW MUCH I LOVE A GOOD COOKOUT and celebration! so grateful for the folks that keep us safe, good souls that they are. take care!
love those strawberries! that video gets me every time too.
Awesome post Casey.... good reminder of what this weekend is all about.
Great post! So thankful for all of our soldiers--past and present!
Great post. We all need to be reminded.
it raine here all weekend and i had/have a cold. so, yeah, the holiday was pretty awesome.
and the armed services--God bless them each and every day.
I love this....thanks for reminding us of the true meaning. It is often easy to forget.
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