Wednesday, September 08, 2010

And, She Does It Again

While sorting through our lives' possessions pre-packing, we came across all sorts of memorabilia. Some random things:

1. The file we created when we planned our wedding from Austin, via the internet, to Half Moon Bay, California. Today, this seems totally plausible. 10+ years ago? Not nearly as much. But, we're bad asses, so we made it happen.

2. The box from Carter's papers, tiny newborn cap, name tag on his bassinet. Sweet memories.

3. Books from our heritage.....written by Blake's mom's side of the family and my father's side. Treasures.

And, in between all of these precious finds, we found piles and piles of sweet gestures from Caroline. Too many to list here.......but her thoughtfulness over the years was all right there in front of our eyes and it was overwhelming. My "Motherhood Journal" caught my immediate attention and the letter she wrote to me prior to Carter's birth will forever bring me to tears.

Yall already know Caroline's a huge part of our lives. No explanation needed there.

But, she hit me with something last night that touched my heart like never before.

Her note on Facebook to me:

For Casey and Blake. I found these lyrics in some of Ban's things. On the note, it said she used to sing the song with Bud to their mother. Listen and read the lyrics. It makes me smile when I think of you two and your journey ahead.

(***"Ban" is my grandmother who died just before Jack was born and "Bud" is her brother.)

And, she linked this song:

Glen Daly, 1919.

The lyrics:

With someone like you, a pal good and true
I'd like to leave it all behind, and go and find
A place that's known to God alone
...Just a spot to call our own

We'll find perfect peace, where joys never cease
Out there beneath the kindly sky
We'll build a sweet little nest, somewhere out in the West
And let the rest of the world go by

So, we're off to build our nest soon enough. Listen to the song if you have the time. Pure sweetness.

Thanks, Carowine.


aunt caroline said...

And now I'm crying. Not because I'm SO glad I found that note and what great timing it is, but because if anyone in the world can do this, it's you two.

Can't wait to visit you soon in Cali!

Jodee said...

You are so blessed to have such a sweet sister! Good luck with the rest of your packing!

Life in Beverly Hills said...

What wonderful memories to find! Good luck packing...and moving!

The Lenzers said...

Caroline is right, if anyone can do it....ya'll can!!

Heather said...

precious. just precious. I am so excited for you guys! Following you with anticipation for your new life! :) can't wait!

donatelli98 said...

Wow - what an awesome find by Awesome Caroline! I can't wait to see how your adventures out west unfold - you will rock it!

Katherine said...

Aw, that is so sweet! You are so lucky to have such a great sister. Of course, anyone named Caroline is awesome! ; )

Sara said...

I saw that on FB and it made me tear up too! Sweet Caroline...

I swear I'm calling you tonight and you better answer your damn phone. You hear me????

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

Such a sweet, peaceful post and song.

You're going to start a fantastic life in CA.

SASS said...

Too sweet. Carowine, you're the inspiration for all sisters!

Merry Mack said...

Sweet sister! That has to be the fun part of the not so fun moving. Finding treasures.

Mama Deb said...

Hi, Casey! Don't know if you remember me from high school or not, but I found your blog through Julie Roberts' site. Love that you and Blake are adventurous nomads! Brandon and I have had the same spirit. I noticed in this post that you guys got married in Half Moon Bay. Ironically, we currently live on the coast in a tiny town called El Granada, just four miles north of HMB!
Best of luck to you and your crew on your trip to San Diego. Hope you enjoy life in the great state of California! Beware though, the schools sort of suck compared to what we grew up with... but you just can't beat the beauty of this place :)