How cute are those little piggies? Love Laine's relaxed manner as we approach the happiest place on earth.
Did you know that the happiest place on earth has the best corn dogs on earth? Yes, even better than the Texas State Fair. Promise.
Hand holding as we enter the kids' favorite.......Jungle Cruise.
Disregard the typo here and enjoy the little tale. (I'll have a letter out this week to HR.) President-pardoned turkeys often end up at Disneyland.
For Coco. Some Fort Worth lovin'!
Casey's Circus Train is Jack's fave. Shocker.
Lainey enjoyed it, too! Love her little hands up here.
Disneyland, in general, is picturesque. This ride has some of the best landscaping.
Punkin Carter does look younger with his hair shorter. Which makes me happy.
Cookie time.
In her little 3 year old mind, this castle belongs to Lainey. Even Jack will chime in with, "Wook, Wainey. It's your castle!"
Fairy Godmother sighting!
Laine did a little dance while she signed her princess autograph book.
We took the ferry over to Tom Sawyer's Island. Hadn't been since 2003. Super fun and lots to do.
It's like a whole other world.
More hand holding. Melts my heart.
The sun started to set and we prepared for Pa and Daddy to join us after they finished work for the day.
He's here! He's here!
Since Pa is now a card carrying Disneyland Passport holder, we headed over to California Adventure for a few of our favorites. Bug's Life 3D movie was on the list. Soarin' Over California, too. Pure awesomeness.
Lainey and Pa danced before we went in. Precious.
Carter convinced us to go into the Tiki Hut.......such a weird, weird place.
We ended the evening with Buzz Lightyear's ride.
Lots of fun.
Carter went with Pa to a condo near the beach for the night, and then we all attended Carter's basketball game Saturday morning.
Donna brought the kitty ear headband for Lainey. Perfect! Glad they came. Carter had a great game with 13 points scored, no turn overs and 2 qty 3 pointers!!!!!!!!!!!
That evening, we ventured into Carlsbad Village. Love this place.
For Ryan! Caroline, bring him on your next visit.
Lovely old buildings and lots to see & do.
Had dinner at Las Olas. Seriously good Mexican food.
Pa snuck in a picture with grumpy Jack. Awesome.
The Davidge family joined us for dinner. Later, after ice cream for the kids, their oldest lost a tooth! Pretty exciting.
Pa and Lainey. These two are so goofy together.
This is what it looks like when our families get together. 7 kids and 5 adults. Fun, crazy chaos!
The boys, outside. Such a mess.
Pa took the Starnes kids to his condo after ice cream and the Davidges headed home. Blake and I stayed out. Our first date since July, I think. Had a great time bar hopping in the village!
Back to routine this week.
*Basketball practice and a game.
*Thank you notes. (Doing them right now! Still can't find Carter's school pictures, but I'm sending them out anyway. What kind of mother loses a kid's pictures?!)
*Work. Had fun at the studio on Sunday for our Valentine shoot. More to do from home now.
*Bunco with Holly, hopefully.
*Meeting at school for Carter's Spend-The-Night Field Trip in February. How cool is that?
*Valentine's Day prep.
*Wreath making.
*Painting 2 walls in the house!
*Preparing for 2 upcoming visits......Sass next Monday and then her sis that next Saturday. Cannot wait!
Love the pics - you have to join our chaos at Disney when we come! Jann and I need to get your opinion/ideas on what to go on, where to eat, etc. Since Lainey is the same size as Bia I figure you would have some good insight. I'll e-mail you with all of my questions!
SASS is coming to visit! Jealous! I heart Disney. Soaring is my fav!
I seriously need to get up to Disneyland. You are making me jealous. Love all the pics.
Why couldn't you have been my mom? Seriously.
I could totally hang with your kids. LOVE the Tiki Room and Buzz Lightyear ride.
I live in Fort Worth, but Coco gets the shout out?? Thats just wrong.
Pa AND Disney? Lucky kids.
It is totally wrong, Sara. I had to throw it out to Coco b/c she's a psycho and you're not.
Are we OK now?
We're okay. But only because I'm not a psycho.
Cute pictures, by the way. I was so overcome with emotion that I forgot to comment. The pics of Pa and Lainey are great. Love those two freak shows.
Oh my goodness! Could Wainey be any cuter?! She is just precious!
Love the family picture with pa!
It sounds like you had a blast on your date night!
Another fun weekend at the Starnes household!
I hate the tiki hut. Did you get the updated version with Zazu from The Lion King. Totally trippy and grotesque.
Old school Tiki Lion King. Thank goodness! I like the authentic stuff.....without so many characters. California Adventure is turning into all characters. Not as much fun as it used to be.
Oh wow! Do you think that CA can handle you and Sass in the same town? I guess if KC can, CA can. I mean, it is CA after all? I would love to be able to go to Disneyland anytime we wanted. I"d love there before moving to Orlando, only because Orlando is SO STINKN' HOT in the summer!!!! Better go get ready for school, but had to check on my fav blogs first.
I can't wait!!! You better not be upselling this place! With that picture of Pa and the gang, you can really see alot of "starnes" genes.
I am crossing my fingers that my two hellions and I will be making an appearance by June.
But is Disney ready for not only Laine and Jack but adding Tess and Bram to the mix.
We are totally going t be asked to leave.
Can't wait to take the kids to Disney someday! Enjoy it!
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