To the subject at hand. My biggest challenge.....what is it and how will I conquer it?
Mine is definitely finding a routine. With kids and work and a traveling husband.......sports, school, etc.......it's hard to know when I will find the time to exercise. So, although many people have deterred me from DVDs, I think they're my best bet. They're weather friendly, fairly quick and don't require me leaving the house. I used a tape in high school for about a year and loved it. Hopefully I will have the same luck with what I have now.
I just bought Jillian Michaels's Yoga version.

I did Mommy and Baby Yoga after Jack was born, but have no experience, otherwise. Excited to give it a try! This, with the 30 Minute Shred, should keep me busy.
Any advice for Yoga? I've heard that a good mat is important, but I don't have $100 to throw down for one, so I bought the $9 version instead. Do I have to do weird chants or denounce Christianity for Kabbalah like Madonna? Fill me in, peeps. I like to know what to expect.
Off to put the house back together, fold laundry and wrangle kids after a long, fun weekend with Pa. More to come!
weekly stats:
0 pounds lost. What a crock! I walked at least 3,487 miles through Disneyland on Friday alone. Frustrating.
I love yoga and do not chant at all. I take that back I only like the yoga that makes you sweat. I am so not into feeling one with myself - maybe that's my problem! I bought 30 day shred and am trying to mix it in with running. I don't think I lost any pounds this week either - in fact I think I gained - WTH!
Fish as pets are overrated - just ask Batman or Meow Meow! But good luck coping with the loss!
I have never tried Yoga, but I'd like to some day. I think that once the chiropractor works my back out that it would be good for me to do yoga to keep my back nice and stretched.
I've tried all kinds of yoga and my favorite is Bikram. I think Jann said she was real into Bikram too.
It's the 110degree room. I think yoga overall rocks...it just sucks because the only studio in town that does B's is far away and it's a time committment.
Like I said before..Brad was into the at home yoga too before I moved in.
Can you see him doing yoga? WOW! hahaha! Good luck
My sister, sister-in-law and my brother all do Bikram and they are all much thinner than me so you can draw your own conclusions. Me, I am menopausal and the very mention of 110 degrees makes me want to have a hissy fit...just sayin'.
I love, love, love yoga!! And I don't have a fancy mat. I have the Target special and it works just fine. Just make sure you really push yourself to get into the poses. Make your muscles stretch and hurt (in a good way!). It's really one of my favorite workouts - along with mat pilates. I've never used one of those contraptions that Coco just bought.
Good luck!! Sorry about the fish. I'm happy to report that all 4 of ours are still living, but their water is getting a little murky looking. Does this mean I have to clean it?? Ugh.
p.s. I was just reading how people are into Bikram yoga. I've also done that a few times.
WHATEVER you do...do not do Bikram after you've been drinking the night before. I passed out cold in the middle of class and woke up to the instructor pouring cold water on my wrists....never been so embarrassed in my entire life!!!!
It was a total Coco or Sass episode. For sure.
All yoga did for me is make me want to fart...
I never fart so this came as a surprise to me...and my friend Katie that was with me.
The Shred is killer! In a good way...I did it for a whole 4 days...out of about 3 months.
I'm not into Yoga. Way too peaceful and "ohm-y" for me. But, I do Pilates. And I have a cheap mat. You can double up and use 2 cheap mats if you're knees or elbows or whatever are sore.
My husband wants to get a video for the days we work way too many hours to get to the gym. Is there any equipment required for the 30-day shred? Not the yoga one.
I bet you lose weight this week. Good luck!
ok I'll let you in on a little secret with the fish thing - get a beta fish. those things live forever and are impossible to kill*
*unless of course yours happens to jump out of it's tiny bowl all on it's own. then all bets are off. not that this has ever happened to me.
yoga tip - if you ever actually take a class, do NOT start giggling when the instructor says it's time to go into "downward dog." it is frowned upon. again, not that I've done that.....
I would love to take up yoga ... though I think I might want to take a class to do it, so that I can get my postures right. Back in my early 20s, I did an MTV Yoga DVD several times a week ... Good luck!
I know nothing about yoga, but I know Jillian will kick your azz...so, I'm sure it will be a great workout. Let us know how it goes.
My condolences about the fish. That's why we haven't purchased any aquatic pets. Their life expectancy is so short. I fed my goldfish, named Jonah, cornbread one time and it bloated up like a puffer fish. Sad story.
LOVE your header!!! :) Sorry about the fish :( Best wishes to lose...this is my last year to gain due to the growing baby! :)
your! not you're. Jeese, geese.
Not into yoga, although I should be. I am a cardio girl. Carrie's comment made me laugh and throw-up all at once.
Possibly dumb question but....I always thought beta fish were the only fish that could live w/o the air pump thing? You can put them in a vase or bowl or whatever and they do live easily. I might be totally off though.
What are you doing to track food? It's a math equation with calories in and calories burned so even if you burn calories, there's the other part of the equation that has to be watched. Weight Watchers Online was my saving grace in that area. Worked perfectly for me and no meetings required.
Yoga is wonderful. I have a $20 mat and it is more than fine. I'm curious to hear what you think of Jillian's yoga--I haven't bought it, but I love the 30 Day Shred (she's super annoying but it's a good workout).
I remember being absolutely devastated when my fishies died when I was 6. One ate the other one (bastard!) and then died himself a week later. Karma!
I've done yoga. I liked it I didn't know the mat mattered. I think I am dumb, what us the shred? I need to know before I invest. I'll just wait til y'all lose weight and then that will motivate me. I need to do something.
Poor fish. Something is up with that!
Show some love... Where's the obit for the other fish?
Yoga is my go to. Srsly. But I didn't know Jillian Michaels had a version. Off to see if it's on iTunes now for download (like I did shred).
But, yes, yoga is amazing. I had to miss class tonight as I have a sick boy. And I'm upset. But it's wonderful because you CAN do it at home.
I love yoga but I cannot take the chanting stuff. I will laugh out loud is the instructor starts to chant or says something about finding your inner self. That is why I stick to power yoga. The Jillian yoga is not the chanting type. You will like it.
Just got back from yoga at the Y! It is my new Monday night routine, I love it, wish you could join me. It really makes me feel like I have worked out every muscle but not over exterted myself.
Sorry to hear about the fish, I didn't even know you had any which means I have been out of the loop. Hope you are doing well.
Gosh I want to like yoga so badly. Can't wait to hear how the Jillian meltdown version is. Good luck and report back.
I like Yoga. I'm not super flexible (poor M) and it helped me (when I was doing it) but haven't done it since August. "IT" being Yoga. I know. I suck. I like to switch things up to keep it interesting and that includes doing nothing from Sept-end of December to see how much weight I can gain and how much muscle I can lose. That didn't work out so well for me. Now I OWN the gym. Wait...I think the gym OWNS me.
Who keeps murdering the fish?
Scheduling is always an issue for me as well, what with school and exams and all. I say, do the videos if they work for you! Every little bit helps!
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