It's a good day, folks. Caroline is going in to have her dialysis line taken out. She's been off of dialysis for several months now, but they kept the port in just to be safe - in case she needed further treatment. And, she doesn't!
She's made significant progress in other areas, too. Caroline recently changed from IV meds that have to be kept on ice to those not needing to be cool. This means that she can carry a cute purse rather than her medical bag and no more ice pack changes throughout the day! After mixing her meds every evening for 20+ minutes, she can now mix up to 7 days at a time. This is big.
Perhaps the greatest joy comes from celebrating a year post-stroke. We looked for a button at Disneyland that suggested such......they have buttons for everything.......except Post-Stroke. WTH, Disneyland?
As always, I'm grateful to each of my bloggie friends who have reached out over the years to support her. Making meals, sending gift cards, buying t-shirts, etc, etc, etc. It has been such a blessing and we're both thankful!
For those who don't know, my sister has Scleroderma and Pulmonary Hypertension. From her initial years with treatment.....and daily life meeting these challenges, Caroline has finished her Bachelor's degree, attained her teaching certificate, taught high school English for 10 years, led numerous school organizations, received her Master's Degree and more. Impressive, yes?
Proud of you, Aunt Carowine.
Awesome news!!!
I think you should write a letter-to Disney about the stinking button, or lack there of! YAY for Caroline.
Awesome for Caroline!! Yes, I'm with Jann -- write a letter.
woo hoo!
bestest aunt ever!
Go Caroline!
I'll sign your letter to Disney! Congrats to Caroline!!! Let's have a drink to celebrate!!
That is GREAT news! I'm so happy for your sister. I look forward to the day my husband can have his dialysis line removed. It still saddens my heart that despite all the progress our loved ones make there will always be some form of medical intervention in their daily life. Progress is progress though and I'll take it! Go Caroline!!!
Great update. You are inspirational Caroline.
Yay! Great post Casey. Warms my heart! Couldnt have done this without you and your bloggies. Every body contributed to this day and for that I am so thankful!
SO GLAD to hear she's doing so great. she looks wonderful, y'all are such sweet sisters!! God bless.
This post just got me all choked up. I'll blame it on the pregnancy hormones! YAY for Caroline!!! Wonderful news!
I'm so glad she's doing better! What a blessing! She truly sounds amazing (both of you are!).
So glad to hear such great news! Keep up the good work Caroline! :)
Heartwarming! So happy for all of you, what a wonderful milestone! Cheers to many more wonderful memories!
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