*I stopped carrying a diaper bag. Besides only a short year or so with a purse.....in between Carter being fully potty trained and Jack's arrival.....my life has been carried along with diapers, wipes, extra changes of clothes, and Boudreaux's Butt Paste. And, although, I didn't get one of these:

I did buy a simple black bag from Target for $17. I like it. And, the change was quite liberating.
*I, for the first time in 10+ years of motherhood, have time to myself at home during the day. Kids occupied with school and preschool affords me a few hours of quiet. I'm loving it. And, although I don't

I do occasionally treat myself to a Mocha Light Frappaccino. Not exactly champagne and bon bons, but satisfying.
*I birthed a super star. A spotlight loving, scandal creating, headline seeking super star. And, although she's not quite as profitable as this kid:

I'm almost certain Meow Meow is on her way to world domination.
It's all perspective, people.
Tell yourself you're living the dream and eventually, you just might believe it.
love it! Meow Meow does rock the casbah!
Your are living it Casey!! Good for you! Although I suggest you invest in a nice handbag - it is good for the soul!!
I think these are all crazy awesome things. So congrats on an excellent 2010!
Purse? I have no idea what that is. Explain, please.
Personally, I think you should go for the champagne and bon bons. :)
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, whatever works. I will take that handbag though. THanks.
Lauren - it's a bag, once created for women of style, that does not carry baby materials. Soon enough, you'll see one again.
Ahhh... I dream about the day I will no longer have to carry a diaper bag ... unfortunately it doesn't look like that will be in the future any time soon! One day...
BTW, yes, we did get your Christmas card and BEFORE Christmas!! Love the kids all in their ears!! Perfect for y'all!
Wow! You did have a great year! Hooray for no more diaper bags and bring on the bon bons!
No-no-no...It's not "you just might believe it." It's "IT WILL HAPPEN"
And I say go for the champagne and bon-bons. Who says it's wrong?
Oh, and don't think our email-convo is not going to be my post for tomorrow, because it is, because I thought it was pretty hilarious myself.
I could not live without my fancy purses! I already have diaper bags picked out at Juicy and Kate Spade...one day.
Yay on the diaper bag!!! I can't wait to get rid of mine, but I think I have several more years to go. Boo.
The Starnes have had an eventful year!!
Loved following youthrough your diaper bag ditching, bon bon eatin, Meow Meow year :), can't wait to see what 2011 holds for your family!
Have a great weekend!
I haven't carried a diaper bag in a year. But I do carry a big ass purse that still has butt paste, a&d ointment, a pair of undies, panties (for TM, not me) and always several snacks.
Nobody knows. It looks like I'm cool with a purse.
I am so sick of the diaper bag....I'll gladly take that gorgeous purse in the picture. I do carry a purse, but it is still full of crap....markers, toys, wipes. It is getting ridiculous! Glad you are getting some time to yourself--you deserve it!!!
Meow Meow is so more powerful than the Bieb. If she needs an agent, let me know.
don't lie, you have a liquid lunch every single day!!! I am dreaming of those days
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