Our little bungalow in Kansas City.....
Looks kind of busy from this angle.....but not so much in real life.
Bring on the sun.
The balcony off the dining room...
Favorite wall art. We waded through the mess of a basement and found it....and now it has a home.
I tied the curtains with some simple ribbon and now Carter says we have an Italian kitchen. Because they now look like bow tie pasta. Clever boy. Yes, that's Batman creeping in my shot.
Framed a new favorite and it's up, too.
This bathroom needed some color.....love my $3 shower curtain!
Our 2nd dining room...
An old favorite....another original one (can you tell how much I love them?).....and a piece that most people hate.....my rooster from Anthropologie. Love him. He looked better on our blue walls in Colorado, though.
Flowers are planted.....now they just need water, sun and love.
Working on it!
One more....this is what a split level house looks like. Not quite a flight up to each level....but 4 in total. This is a tiny house, but since the rooms are on different floors, it doesn't feel so small.
you have such beautiful artwork. and just think of all the calories you will burn climbing all those stairs!!
Looks great! Thanks for the update. I LOVE the 3 dollar shower curtain.
It has all come together so well! Looks like home.
It looks fabulous and cozy! You are inspiring me to plant my flowers - haven't gotten around to that yet.
it looks like you've lived there forever! Such a charming home.
It all looks so homey and put together. I am totally impressed. I like the rooster. It was in the downstairs bathroom in CO, right? I think it's cool!
I'm "anonymous!" Oops!
Are you sure you just moved in?! =)
I haven't gotten a chance to plant flowers yet :(
Love the $3 shower curtain!
I love that rooster pic, too! Classic! And you're house looks great!
It looks precious!!!! I love the bird art.
Great job Casey. If you die can I have your rooster print? It would look fab in my kitchen.
Love the rooster! And your $3 shower curtain. Looks fab!
I love the $3 shower curtain. I have to ask where did you find a $3 shower curtain?
I love the artwork too - something I have none of. I need to get to work. BTW - CC's dress on my blog - gift from MIL - wouldn't be my first choice but looked cute on and CC loves pink. Bia's dress was CC's when she was that age. Gymboree super sale item - one of my favorites!
you have great taste, and i must say i am obsessed with the family art!!! awesome!!
Thanks! Court, Blake said he would arrange for the rooster pic in our will if you'll arrange my death. Lovely.
The $3 shower curtain was on clearance in Colorado at Target. Originally $12 or $15. It's vinyl....so not long term....but I thought it was really cute. It's regular price here.....not sure why.
Looks beautiful. Congrats again on getting settled in nicely!!!!!
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