Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Move

Life is starting to settle here in our new home and it feels good. Living with Blake again is exciting. The house is unpacked.....the garage is in process right now.....and that leaves just the basement to tackle, hopefully next weekend. We need a break after these busy few days, so we're thrilled to have our living spaces set. Storage can wait.

A few glimpses from this past week:

Reading up on the new area from books given to us by Shannon and Caroline. Shannon is in town tomorrow and we'll have our first visit!

Little ones in the hotel begging to go out to the courtyard.

First Communion.

The fam minus me, plus Pa walking out of church.

About to drive out from the DeCoccos fascinated with Batman in the pet carrier. Batman, not as impressed.

Oh, and that fancy relocation truck was really just a stolen image. We saved some money and moved ourselves. Check it out!


merrilee said...

Love the picture of the family before church. Carter looks SO grown-up and handsome!!! So happy that you are getting settled in your new home--looks like a lovely place.

If the shoe FITZ said...

Fancy suit Mr. Car-ter!

Tammy said...

so happy for y'all!!! LOVE the family picture at first communion... very sweet! Carter looks very proud!

The Lenzers said...

i am really so impressed with the unpacking, well the entire move. when i moved last time, my family came to help unpack and it still took more than a week. and to think you are going to do this again in a few months when you buy and decide on an area? i hope you get something extra special for mothers day for all your hard work

Shannon said...

Do you know it's been like 2 1/2 years since I've seen you?! So excited. I was just picking out my clothes for tomorrow and realized I need to step up my game if I'm going to be making a guest appearance on Sequin gown, here I come.

Dee Stephens said...

great pictures! I love the moving truck! LOL! congrats on your move..tons of hard work and you do deserve a GREAT Mother's Day!

Amy said...

Carter looks so grown up in that suit! What a beautiful fam. So glad y'all had a safe trip to Kansas City. And where'd Blake get that fancy new truck? :)