Friday, May 29, 2009

A Gift For My Dear Husband

I unintentionally provided Blake with a few years of laughter last night. A recap:

I tripped going upstairs. Not just any trip.....a full on, fall on my face, crash into the wall head first (surprised I didn't crush the sheet rock), sunglasses go flying, picture drops from its home and into my head kind of fall.

I knew, as soon as it happened, that Blake was giddy with excitement. Few things entertain him more than seeing someone trip and fall. An old lady could be struggling with a walker and if she tripped, he'd be rolling on the floor laughing. We saw proof of this last week during a neighborhood garage sale and pretty much the exact fore mentioned scenario unfolded. Yes, I married him for his maturity.

Later on last night, we were discussing my fall and he said he was thrilled to know I was laughing at myself in the bathroom shortly after. He thought, instead, I might have turned around to start throwing things at him. Why? It wasn't his fault? His reply: "Casey, the downfall of the economy is my fault. World hunger is my fault. Everything is my fault with you."

Yawn. Heard it before. My martyr of a husband does like to exaggerate. However, now that I think about it.....I was running up the stairs in order to go to a bathroom with a locking door because having two toddlers staring at me asking, "Potty, mom? Poop, Case?" can get old.....I asked Blake to occupy them for 1 minute.....and he didn' I tripped going up the stairs because of him.

Yes, it was his fault. I feel better now. If the bruise on my forehead would heal, I'd be even happier.

Oh, and my new (already overused and quite annoying) nickname is Trip. Lovely.


The Diaz Traveling Circus said...

Pray For

If the shoe FITZ said...

Awesome. I am sad I missed the real thing but can picture it all in my head.

Coco said...

That would of been funny to see. And it was totally Blake's fault.

Did Blake and Adam go to the same, "poor pitiful me, my wife asks me to do stuff and I don't like her tone" seminar?

Sure sounds like it.

Anonymous said...

I love this post! And I love you Trip, for putting this out there for the masses. Everyone needs a good laugh now and then. In fact, I totally got busted while multi-tasking on a conference call. (Note to self: Make sure your phone is on mute before reading funny posts and laughing out loud.)

I admit that I am a sick person. Seeing someone trip or even hearing a story about someone tripping has got to be the funniest thing in the world. I simply cannot control myself. Casey is right, I will laugh uncontrollably at ANYONE that trips. The little old lady that tripped at the garage sale had both Carter and I on the floor. I am so proud that my oldest son has inherited my demented sense of humor. And I am not one of those people that will only laugh at the misfortune of others…I laugh equally as hard at myself (most of the time). Just ask Casey about the stairs at the State Fair.

love Blake

Carrie said...

That cracks me up! it is nice to go to the bathroom with out a cheering section in there with you. Hagen has started praising me for pooping in public bathrooms EVERY.SINGLE.TIME we go. BTW, I am not a mom that poops in a public bathroom with my toddler right beside me. At home maybe, but not in public...

Carrie said...

BTW, reminds me of the time by dork of a brother had a brand new camera. he was so proud of it! So in Vegas he had it proudly displayed around his neck (like any tourist would have) and wasn't paying attention and tripped over the chain link thing that seperates certain is about 1-2 feet off the ground. Fell flat on his face and crushed his camera under neath him...priceless...I wasn't even there to witness, but the picture in my mind of it was AWESOME!!

merrilee said...

OMG!! Too funny, Casey. . . not the falling part, just the bantering that followed. I believe my husband also finds great humor at my expense. Carrie--I hope that was your older brother, and not sweet Adam!!!!

Oh--and for the record. . . .I, too often ask for just a few moments of peace in order to use the restroom without a full and captivated audience!

If the shoe FITZ said...

Remember that time LB fell in your backyard...I remember Blake trying to be nice and hold back the laughter.

The Jones Family said...

I am laughing as we speak thinking about the morning you two were leaving to go have Lainey, I believe you were TRYING to be quiet? I woke to a loud crash and giggles only to see Blake laying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, either on top of or under the suit case!

Good laugh, thanks Blakers!

michelle matthews said...

Y'all are too funny! Great post! Oh to have been there! Love it1
I have missed you!

Tammy said...

Now I'm laughing... I'm glad you're okay, but as a complete KLUTZ myself, with many bruises and scars to show for it, I'm also entertained by someone else besides myself falling!!! AND- totally Blake's fault!!!

The Rand's said...

Hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing as I was reading your post!
So glad you are ok though.
And, yes, totally Blake's fault. :)

donatelli98 said...

It'a always their fault - didn't they recite that in their vows when they married us? I can't help but laugh about it b/c Mr. ESPN would have been LAO at me if I did it - thank goodness we have a 1 story house!

BTW - my word verification to leave my post is bruze - do you think Blake planned it??? LOL!

The Lenzers said...

It's ALWAYS there fault! At least he realizes this. Hope your ok....and isnt it sad we enjoying peeing alone so much? When Mark is home I tell him I have to poop so he will watch the boys and I go in the bathroom and read or text or call friends for 10 minutes. It's not like he is going to knock on the door and ask how it's going!! (My little secret-faking a poo)

SASS said...

I hate to tell you this, entire family has Blake Syndrome (BS). We will turn on America's Funniest Home Videos and end up on the floor after watching the falling/getting hurt montages. You know "48 falls in 32 seconds" or "21 crotch hits in 18 seconds". I realized this was not normal too late in life. There is no cure for this syndrome, I'm afraid.
Loved the reinactment through words, though--that's talent!!