Friday, March 19, 2010

From The Bad Mommy Files

I braved Disney on Ice this morning with the kids. Next time, I'll bring reinforcements.

Here is Lainey post-show in her princess dress, throwing a mega tantrum because I wouldn't allow her on the ice to skate with the fairies after pleading, "My turn!" in her sing-songy voice all through the show.

Just before she hit the floor, my friend Jillian suggested we ice skate another day......Lainey promptly told her to "Shut up."

Good times.

Seriously, Jillian call me. I know you want to get together again!


bizzimommiofboyz said...

Happy Follow Friday!

Following You From...

Hope You'll Stop By...

Have A Good Weekend!

merrilee said...

I am CRACKING-up right now. I love that sweet, adorable, little angel Lainey could tell an adult to "shut-up". Would have paid money to see the look on your face!

Jodee said...

Oh no! You poor thing! We have had similar experiences here! Hope your weekend gets better :)

Kim said...

We've all been there. Lyss told me she hated me this morning because I wanted to give the second string cheese she was holding to a real kid and she just wanted for her doll. Seriously what sets these kids off?

Malinda said...

That's funny, but I really do feel your pain. Aren't two year olds great! Mine just yells "Be Nice" at anyone who tries to correct him in any way. He also yells "Stop It Mommy" when I get on to him. I really pray this is all just a stage, I feel so unequipped!

Lauren W said...

You got those tickets so fast!! I got the e-mail 20 minutes after Robin sent the message, but alas I was too late. The punks beat me too it. :-)

Jennifer said...

Cracking up! Wish you could have caught that on video!!

The Lenzers said...


The Jones Family said...

I too am cracking up, she is hysterical.

Momma to the A's said...

I feel so normal now! It is good to know these things happen to other people too! I feel your pain. I hope you got to laugh later when you looked at the picture! Good times!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am still laughing about this scene! Honestly, out of nowhere I just start cracking up! You didn't seem the least bit frazzled by it.

Unknown said...

Good for you for trying!
Even better that you grabbed a picture!

BNM said...

Awww!!! haha I took my son to the rodeo the other night where we had somewhat of the same problem!!! LMAO

He kept calling the horses the merry go round WTH??? but he insisted that he could "wide dat"

Kristen said...

Oh my!!! hahahaha.... Shut up?? Those words came out of that precious little mouth? Oh dear... this cracks me up.

Heather said...

I love it! Cracking up!

Shannon said...

Do you keep hot sow-ce in your purse?

starnes family said...

I need to keep hot sow-ce in my purse! Good idea, Shannon.

donatelli98 said...

I love these posts - it makes my kids seem much more normal than they are!

Allyson and Dave said...

I am going to remember all of you stories like this one day when I am the one with the screaming kid. It will remind that is okay to be the one causing a scene. If Casey can do it then I can to.

Monica said...


Anonymous said...

OMGosh... Im sorry to laugh... but I feel your pain... been there before!