Click here to read more about our favorite Santa, Carl Anderson...a licensed psychologist, who also holds a PHD, is a professional story teller, etc. I think most might know him best as Santa Claus, however.
Waiting to see Northpark watching Scrooge.

Santa and Carter.

And, with Baby Jack.

Trysten arrived a bit after our picture and told Santa he wanted some shoes for Christmas. Just kidding, of course....but upon leaving to meet us, Britney told Trysten to grab his shoes and get in the car.....and when they arrived, he had only 1. So, shortly after our Santa visit, Trysten got some new shoes!

Santa and Trysten.

Pa and the grandkids.

So accurately picturing the boys together.

And, even more right on with Carter's sarcasm after I told him to be sweet.

Beautiful decorations....."pecan Santa" which has also been there for over 20 years.

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