Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Goal

The 6th or 7th (I have lost count) illness reared its ugly head in this house last night. After Carter was sick during our Kansas City trip, the little ones got it....and impetigo, too.....and a nasty cough/fever/cold. A trip to the doctor confirmed Carter was better, but that the little ones needed antibiotics. This will be Jack's 3rd round in 6 months. I don't think he had taken 3 rounds in his 2.5 years before this relocation started.

I went the next day and was diagnosed with strep and ear infections.....antibiotics for me....similar symptoms to Jack and Lainey. I'm thinking of how ridiculous all of this is and I'm simply dumbfounded at this repetitious illness that has plagued us over the past few months....basically, since we all had the Christmas flu.....and while I'm pondering the absurdity of it all, yet looking forward to my first night of sleep (more than 4 hours, at least), I hear Carter in the bathroom throwing up.

Seriously? I'm walking around in a daze at this point. There are no words. I just don't get it. Carter gets settled on the couch and I plan my evening downstairs with him. Jack then starts crying and I wait it out to see if he'll fall back asleep. I hear him say, "Case.....what you doin?" in a weak and frightened voice. I go in to find him sitting on the top bunk covered in vomit, the bed as well......pretty sure my head started spinning.


I cleaned for an hour and made sure the boys were fine. Stayed glued to the monitor waiting for Lainey to start.....but she remained in her crib for the night. During my own fever and aches and coming to terms with the fact I would likely die because every inch of my body hurt, I endured the dark hours and Jack playing musical beds looking for comfort....and woke to two boys acting like nothing ever happened. Go figure.

So, my not acknowledge/write about/report any further illnesses. I think a healthy case of denial will certainly help. It's rainbows and puppies and cupcakes from here on out. Nothing but positivity. Sick of hearing myself whine!

And, my other focus on summer vacation and know that a couple of weeks on the beach in one of my favorite cities in the world is approaching. San Diego, baby. I absolutely cannot wait.


Dee Stephens said...

oh.. geezz.. poor thing! You deserve a vacation! I love San Diego too - my fave is La Jolla :)

FROGGITY! said...

poor thing... i think denial is the way to go. plug your ears and lalalala think happy thoughts about the beach. hope everyone is better soon.

SAN DIEGO?! so jealous! never been there but it's a top 10 goal for me. please take lots of pics and post them!

Malinda said...

Wow, I can't believe you guys are sick again. Maybe the bright side is that you are all sick at once so it will be over quickly? Hope you all feel better soon.

The Rand's said...

You poor thing! I hope for a speedy recovery for all of you! Call me if you need to talk!

Love you!

Coco said...

I don't even know what to say. If I was there I would help!

Positive thought...positive thoughts....positive thoughts.....

Can I go to SD with you?? Pretty please??

merrilee said...

SOOO sorry. . . .sending good thoughts and wishes your way. Hang in there. . . .if anyone can handle all of this--it is you!! Can't wait to see you on your visit to San Diego. . .let me know the dates and we can get something on the calendar.

Anniebanannie said...

You poor thing. Hopefully things are on the up and up...they've got to be right?!!!

The Soladay Family said...

Casey....I am so sorry! You guys have had it! Surely summertime will hold healthier days for you all!

michelle matthews said...

Oh my gosh...CAsey...I am so sorry! That is such a terrible story. I wish someone was there to help you! I am just so so sorry. This makes me sad. :(