Monday, April 06, 2009


Nope....not going to complain about it.....thinking, instead, about rainbows and puppies and cupcakes. But, I couldn't spare you the report that I have.....drum roll please.....pneumonia! Not kidding. I couldn't make this stuff up.

Breathing treatments, 2 more rounds of antibiotics, steroids, and more. I should feel a marked improvement in 24-48 hours, but for now, it's no fun!

Blake is quickly changing his flight from Friday to well before.....hopefully Wednesday. Cross your fingers.


Dee Stephens said...

It's from running so hard! yikes! Hopefully Blake gets there sooner than later..
I'll be praying for you girl! I'm sure Carter is being a big help??

Tammy said...

So sorry to hear that. Hopefully Blake can get there soon... sending thoughts of puppies and cupcakes and rainbows your way.

The Soladay Family said...

No words can express my insane disbelief....Are you freakin' kidding me!??!!! Hope you turn the corner soon!!!

The Rand's said...

OMG! You poor thing! I hope Blake gets to you soon and that you get the rest that you need!
my thoughts and prayers are with you!


AMY said...

OMG - I had to read twice - I totally CANNOT BELIEVE THIS. Sending lots of love and prayer that you recover soon - and that Blake gets there soon. XOXOXOXOX

Malinda said...

Wow, I can't imagine what you are going through. Hang in there, I know Wednesday seems a long way off. Maybe you can stay in bed for a couple of days when Blake gets home.

Feel better soon!

Shannon said...

o.m.g. I also had to read it twice. I can't believe it. Only thing I keep thinking is THANK GOD IT'S ALMOST OVER™.

™All caps typing, trademark Heather Armstrong.

Heather said...


Kelley Loredo said...

No way!!!!!

FROGGITY! said...

oh my goodness. bless your heart. hope you feel better soon!!!!

michelle matthews said...

What?! I came right over after reading your email to see what was up. I can't believe it! I am so sorry. I am so glad Blake will be there in the morning! You've had such a rough time of it.

donatelli98 said...

Get better soon!!! Hope Blake gets there soon to take care of you and the kids!

Carrie said...

Oh Casey...I'm so sorry!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Oh gosh. I do hope you feel better very soon!!!!!