Middle of 8th grade. Texas Stadium. Jake E. Total disaster.
(Note to Blake - You were not my first kiss. Sorry you had to find out this way.)
***Spill it. When was your first kiss? Location? Who? Degree of humility?
Courtney and Jen, keep it clean. I'm sure you two could take this and run with it. But, it's my dorky family blog, so I make the rules. Love ya!
Trent Bargy...6th grade...Halloween party, hay ride...his tongue felt disgusting, and I was disgusted...Didn't di it again for a VERY long time!
6th grade. Ryan Rogers. Outside on the sidewalk, a few houses down from mine. I was super embarrassed and didn't know what to say or do after. But I was also happy. I had a huge crush on him!
Funny to think about! Soooo long ago!
March or April of 9th grade. Evan (not saying his last name for fear of a Google search). Sort of "double dated" with another couple and was at the other guy's house. Awkward but got better quick. That day started a couple of years of kissing slut behavior. Only time in our lives that being just a kissing slut works. Couldn't do it at age 34 but I sometimes imagine trying to anyway.
Oh this is fun!!!
7th grade dance at our local community center - on the dance floor, his name - Brian!
Man, a bunch of early kissers here! I'm slightly disturbed because my daughter goes into high school this year (currently an 8th grader) and claims she hasn't had her first kiss yet. I hadn't either in 8th grade but are we the only 2 that hadn't?
Mine sounds like a hillbilly story after reading all the others.
8th grade, Trey S. in a culvert pipe under a bridge that was down the road from my house. What can I say, I grew up in Joshua, TX.
13-years old at Leo's Roller Land in Baton Rouge, LA.
His name was Jason and I had braces at the time..ewww..
The funny thing about it was.. he worked at the LSU Union bookstore the entire time I was in college so I got to see him on a regular basis! LOL!
How could I make this dirty? How rude!?
I honestly don't remember. I think it was my neighbor Brandon..when we were playing "house".
I THINK mine was Alex Batson...7th grade...it was horrible! I was at his house for a party and we were all upstairs...we kissed then.
His name was Fisher. I was in 6th grade and it was a game of spin the bottle in my neighbor's garage. It was totally embarassing and quite harmless, especially since we had an audience!:)
tongue or no tongue?
No tongue, Chris Miller flag pole. Peck. 5th grade, totally embarassed and totally in love.
Tongue. Greg Lukes, 3 minutes in heaven. Angela Lessis' 8th grade bday party. It was terrible. I had no idea what I was doing.
Last I heard Greg Lukes was in jail.
And Casey, why would you think I would be nasty? You asked about first kiss. Not first....
Apparently I am a late bloomer. I was 16!! In my bedroom with a guy I wound up dating for 3 years and had to press charges against to get him to stop stalking me when it was over. The thought of him makes me sick. He was eating celery before it happend...yuck!! Bad memory. And I don't know why he was in my bedroom. But if I don't count him then I did not have my first kiss until I was 19 and that is just sad.
Oh this is fun. Lovin Coco's 3 min. in heaven game...those were the dayz!
Anyway...6th grade, movie theater, yes I remember the movie: Hook. Anyway, nerves were a workin b/c I knew it was coming. Name-Bubba. Yes, I said Bubba (actually a nickname, so I'm not that whitetrash K?!)
His name was Stephen. I don't remember what grade I was in but I was about 8. It was a spin the bottle type of thing in the Bronx but he was the one I liked most so it was nice. Ever since, it's my favorite thing. hah. But really, a nice kiss is just an intoxicating thing.
I, too, was a victim of spin-the-bottle. 8th grade, Charles S. and it was NOT a pleasant experience.
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