I know I'm risking the title win for Mother of the Year by answering my own question this week, but times are tough, people. Please forgive.
***You have 3 extra hours in your day. What do you do with your time?
Me? Sleep. Drink wine without consequence. Shop. Read a book. Anything without children. There, I said it. And, while I'm at it, if anyone has an extra couple of grand laying around, I'd very much like that watch pictured above.
I would spend it without kids too. I would sleep or watch some of the many TV shows I have piling up on our DVR that I never seem to get around to.
I might even use it to catch up on housework, but only as a last resort.
Just what you said. Anything without kids.
Laying in my bed, watching television, with a glass of wine, and no interuption for three hours. Not even the sound of my kids coming from the other room.
I think I might ask Adam to leave with the kids on Sat for my bday present.
NICE watch. Very chic, sister!
We like to drink wine, look up houses on trulia.com ... in coastal areas of course, and watch tv after LL's in bed.
If it was in the middle of the day I would so totally go get a pedi and see an actual movie at the actual theatre with actual popcorn and an actual daiquiri. :) Great question.
I'm with you (spending it without the kids)! Sleep, eat yummy food, drink some wine or cold beer, watch some good tv and just RELAX!!!
Hope you have a good day!
Ritas, chips and queso, Ryan, Gloria's, patio...and no kids!
Guilty! I would spend it in a "kid free zone". More than likely I would scrapbook. That is something I truly love and miss doing.
Extra work around the house--JUST KIDDING!! I would take a long run, drink a margarita and shop!!!!
I am NOT judging you right now....
I like the watch!
I would sleep and organize/clean my house...and that is having no children. I can't imagine how I would spend my time if I had wee ones to escape! (nothing wrong with that by the way :)
ok, so obviously i am behind on my comments...sorry! i would, selfishly, do anything without kids....like have a margarita or 12 on a patio somewhere or read a book in peace or go to the bathroom without someone trying to hand me toilet paper or flush the potty!!
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