Friday, July 09, 2010

Dad Life

My friend, Brittny, linked up to this video. Love, love, love it. Watch the whole way through.....some of my favorite parts are at the end. And, yes, I do believe Blake could totally fit in with these guys.


Megan (Best of Fates) said...

Ugh, I'm so taunted by videos - it's so sad I can't watch them at work!

Mama Sue said...

Love it! I had the same one posted on my FB last week.

The Soladay Family said...

That is freaking hysterical, Casey! Ryan could so fit in. When I saw the garage in the background, it looked like ours stacked to the top with tools, weed killer, planting soil, mowers, blowers, cans of stuff we'll never use. Love it. I've always heard you can a lot about a man by the way he keeps his garage.

Monica said...

I got this in an email a couple weeks ago. I LOVE IT. I can watch it over and over. What a cuve video!

Sara said...

A friend of mine sent me this last week. Hilarious!!

Live.Love.Eat said...

OMG. I am not easily entertained but this was outstanding. Dogs, Brats.....I'm the King of the Grill....hahahaha. Loved it. Thank you! Gotta go spread this around....

FROGGITY! said...

haaaaaaa... you had me at 'gas station glasses!!!' wow. we can so relate...
for example, true life scenario:
last night my hubs had a taco bell cup full of boxed wine (classy) as we were watching youtube videos of old 'yo mtv raps' ... while LL danced around the room to beastie boys... haaa... that's our friday night...

starnes family said...

Don't hate on boxed wine, Froggity! Bota Box is good. I even tried Franzia a few weeks ago and their chardonnay did not make me gag. Surprising!

Love the Taco Bell cup. This is actually a nice touch which helps conceal evidence from the children. Until they want a sip. Damn curiosity.

FROGGITY! said...

will have to try that box you mentioned!

we like the peter vella stuff (well, hubby does mostly...) i prefer a cheap bottle of yellowtail from time to time (when i am 'slummin'... which is often... hee hee). and just as an aside:
LL still calls wine 'gline' and beer 'deer.' we allow her to believe it is actually called that... that way we don't have to explain ourselves... haaa

merrilee said...

That is awesome! I sware that was filmed in Texas....the landscape and houses look too familiar!

Kristen said...

Hahahaha... I love that the "man cave" even got a shout out in the video! Awesomeness!

Teacher Man said...