Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Photography Goals For Vacation

1. Family Name

I'm dying to have our name photographed in individual letters.....found separately placed in the world.....then framed.


I'll use "Starnes", in case you're new here. I'm going to work hard to find all of our letters. I love this design and think it will be fun to look back one day and remember where we took the pictures.

2. Shadows

I love shadow photography and think the beach will be a great setting to play around with it.


3. Perspective

Not a huge goal, but I want to work on photographing from unusual angles and different viewpoints.


Other ideas? Photography tips? I'm all ears!


Heather said...

I love that idea of the letters! might take me years to get Halle Caroline's name done!

Kelly Beatty said...

What the hell Casey? Seriously, how do you find the time to have your fab family, read a million books a month and have other hobbies??? Oh, and write your blog? DO YOU SLEEP? That seems to be my only hobby. Sleep and work.

I have no tips. I'm just in awe. Every time I look at your blog it seems you have a different hobby.

Miss you!

timmonstimes said...

I love the it too! You probably already know it but afternoon is the best time to get shadow shots.

Beach pictures when people write their family name and the year in the sand is always cute.

Have fun! Can't wait to see pictures:)

Sara said...

Love the letter idea!! I've seen those around and I always think they look so cool. Even better if you do it yourself and have the memories! Awesome.

Take pics of different seashells and frame those??? Or do the kiddos foot prints in the sand? I just love beach pictures.

Can't wait to see what all you come up with!

SASS said...

OMG I love the letters!! That's a darling idea. Wish you would have mentioned this about a year ago when we were traveling the globe. Dammit.
I've been trying to tilt my camera a little when taking pictures. It creates a more aesthetically pleasing version of whatever it is. I think it forces your eyes to look at it differently. Maybe it's a Sass thing.

Shannon said...

I love this. Creativity makes my brain happy.

Coco said...

Love the letter idea.

If you can, I would appreciate you finding, Coco on your trip too.



Dee Stephens said...

love the letter thingy.. never seen that before!

donatelli98 said...

I have been wanting one of the letter things too - but Donatelli might take a while! Wish I had thought of it when I was in Italy many moons ago!

If the shoe FITZ said...

i have Fitzpatrick it cost extra cux it is so dang long...luckily it was a gift!

starnes family said...

Kels, I'll sleep when I die!

The Soladay Family said...

Glad I'm not the only crazy who thinks of things like this before a vacation. I always have a mental list of what I want to "record". I love the shadows and letters. Great ideas.

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

Ugh, I dream of doing the photograph words out of letters thing, but I'm just dreadful at finding letters about - I hope you're much better than I am!

Tammy said...

Casey, I love this post, but you knew I would, right. I hope you're not offended if (when) I copy it. I had never really seen the shadow thing, but now I'm totally into it, I've been googling ideas. Have an awesome vacation.

Teacher Man said...

I really like photography. I got my D40 three years ago and have taken over 13,000 shots. Too bad quantity doesn't equal quality. :)

I do like to think I've become an adequate photographer.

I have a lot a pictures on Facebook, but some of my better ones are in an album titled 'Pictures'. Original, eh?

I also did a Project 365 last year where I took one picture a day for a year. That was fun, and nerve wracking at times. You don't have to start on Jan. 1, you can do it any time.

Kim said...

Can't wait to see the how your last name turns out. I still need to print my pictures that spell family. Have a GREAT time!

The Rand's said...

Love the personal touch of the last name letter thing. So crafty!

And the shadow picture?!? That is neat!

No tips on picture taking. I'm having a hard time these days just remembering to bring my camera!

Becca Jane said...

Ooh, can't wait to see what you find with your letters! What a fun idea!

Live.Love.Eat said...

I'm not good with photog but I do like those individual letters for the last name idea!!!!!

Kristen said...

The family name is awesome... I want to do that too. But my last name is Waaaaaaaaay too long for this. Perhaps a nickname. Or the cats names. Yeah, cats names would probably officially make me crazy.

Lauren W said...

We are just getting back from our long trip so I have been MIA for awhile. But your vacay looks fabulous! Next time I am coming with you.

The Lenzers said...

love the name idea...might have to copy that one!! i am trying to work on my photography ability as well. well it's currently on hold but i will get back to it!