This week's topic is "Rut Rescue". I haven't hit it yet, so I don't have much to contribute. I think keeping exercise and healthy food choices interesting is key. And, if you're not motivated to exercise, continue to focus on food. I've heard that 80% of weight loss and maintenance is food-related. Correct?
***1 pound lost last week. Definitely feeling a difference in my clothes now.

On to the scoop.
Carter scored 19 out of 26 points on Saturday, beating his record of 15. That kid has mad skillz.
Guess who was the fish beater at school on Friday? Yep. It was a big day. Please note, too, that Jack refuses all other jobs when they're assigned to him.
They're obviously below his standards.
Had the punks' parent-teacher conferences last week. (Still feels weird that I now have 3 of these to attend.) Both children are doing well and Jack is on par to start Kindergarten in the Fall.
Since birth, I've always battled with the idea of starting him on time or not. He's a late April baby, which means he'd be younger than most kids. Add the whole "boy" factor and I've feared he might be behind. However, he's thriving in Preschool and the teachers are confident he's ready. Plus, California schools don't cut off the age requirement until December 31 each year........rather than September like most other states. So, he won't be near the youngest of the class.
Water table! I'm working on setting up one like this in the backyard. They're gonna love it.
Share Day arrived on Friday. Letter of the week = M. Jack brought a Thomas book and showed kids Murdoch and Mavis. So proud.
Lainey brought Meow Meow. The one and only Meow Meow.
Saturday night, we had Sass's sister, Katie and her husband out to our home for a visit. Both of my girls in town last week! Lainey tried on the Baby Bjorn we handed down to Katie, who is expecting twin boys late Spring.
We ate In-N-Out and enjoyed a fun night of baby talk and stroller demos. Love these two. Seems weird that they'll have 2 babies the next time we see them!
Punks keep ending up in my bed. And, I love it. With Blake traveling, they take advantage.
My neighbor had an art show over the weekend. Her yard is to-die-for.
This is about 5% of the fabulousness. Love it.
I opted out of the Super Bowlapalooza and drove into San Diego for a walk through Horton Plaza. Sass raved about it while she was here. Can't have her knowing part of my town and me not.
Outdoor shopping. I actually prefer Fashion Valley, but this was good.
Chess. Awesome.
Got some new kicks. Been wanting them forever.
Do you know about Toms? The company gives away a pair of shoes to a child in need with every pair purchases. How cool is that?
Plans for the week:
*Beach picnic.
*Basketball - last week of practice!
*Valentine projects.
*Prepare for Valentine parties at school.
*Chocolate pie making with the littlest punks.
*Spring break planning.
*Find soccer and dance programs!
Hope yall have a good week.
So glad to hear Meow-Meow finally got her day at school! That backyard art show looked amazing. Our backyard looked like an ice rink all!!
Love the TOMS, Channing has a tiny pair and they might be the cutest things I have ever seen. I personally love the black sparkly ones!!
I can't get into Toms. Maybe I'm just not trendy enough.
That yard does look awesome and that dancer picture is perfect for a child's room!
I am up in the air about the comfort level of the Toms. I've tried on several pairs and I don't think they fit my feet well.
LOVE ME SOME TOMS!!!! I think they are super comfortable... come on Fitz!
Love Jack's haircut too!
I grew up with the owner of Tom's cousin. He grew up in Arlington too but went to a different high school. Crazy good gig!
I'm an August baby and was THE youngest in my class. With my little one due in August, I often find myself wondering what we will do...especially if it is a boy! Can't believe Jack will be in Kinder:)
Cali looks so awesome! I love my Toms.
Congrats on another pound lost! I think exercise is a big key to weight loss, but also food choices (lots of fruit & veggies). Eat in moderation.
It looks like another fun week at your house! Love the preschool pictures and art show pictures!
P.S. Kamree turns 5 on August 1 and we are sending her to Kindergarten! Her preschool confirms she is ready. Sniff sniff!
Are Jack and Lainey in the same class? I'm trying to figure this out. I'm S L O W.
My cousin is going to have twins in Aug to add to her ONE YEAR OLD! Umm...3 kids in diapers? No, no thank you.
You missed a GREAT game. Party pooper.
Yay for Toms!
so proud of you and your commitment to your weightloss/fitness! I'm in shock that CA has a December cutoff for school. I have heard several people talking about keeping their boys out of K in the fall because of spring/summer birthdays. I guess I just don't think enough because that thought never even crossed my mind. WHOOPS! Hope Connor is ready!
Your pictures always make me laugh. Late April is NOT old at all in California. My son's bday is mid-May and he is just right there. There are kids in his Kinder class right now with October 2005 b-days, and then there are kids that are six already. I really think that the parents of the 6 yr olds should have NOT held their kids back, because it is ridiculous how much older they are than most of the class.
You are doing well if you can avoid the Valentines Candy! Loved the scoop as well. I have been busy and haven't made the rounds. I am glad all is well with the Starnes fam!
Fashion Valley is WAY better then Horton Plaza.
I'm so glad your eating healthy is going well. It sure feels great when you can feel the change in your clothes.
I need a pair of Toms!!!
I am so jealous of the beach picnic plan! My brother lives in Irvine - might be time to visit CA... Great job on your goals and I love the Toms!
IA - It's so fortunate that you are so cute b/c it does take you a while.
Jack and Lainey are in the same class. They didn't have separate classes available when we started, so I opted to put them in together with the plan to split eventually. Because this is the first year of Preschool for both of them, they fit.
They are 16 months apart in age, so they blend with the 3 and 4 year olds in the class. Their curriculum is designed for both levels and they focus on different goals.
Love ya!
Well, thanks for that explanation. I guess I skipped the post where you talked about it. Or I was too drunk to remember reading it. Or maybe a little of both of those things combined together. I'm kinda flakey sometimes.
16 months apart in age? Were you drunk when you decided to do that? Just kidding. I wish I could have done that. OOOH body is STUPID and does weird things thus making things tricky when trying to get knocked up. Wow. This is really too much info for just a comment. My apologies to your readers.
Sounds busy and good! Love the pics!
I LOVE my TOMS! When spring gets here, I'll definitely have to buy me a couple new pair...and Isaiah too. We've worn ours out. They're so comfortable and it feels good to know you're giving a kid a pair of shoes.
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