First up, Allison from Q&A Mac won the Mod Giveaway. Allison, send me an email and I'll pass along the info to choose your strap!
I'm sorry, Jann, that you did not win after all that work. You other bloggies, too. I wish I could give each of you one because I am in love with mine!
Here's what I'm thinking, though........Mother's Day is right around the corner. We just passed Valentine's Day. Did your man forget? How about a birthday? This would make the perfect gift.....and you'll be happy you bought one. It's a super cute accessory. I get compliments on mine all the time! And, speaking of mine, none of yall guessed it.

Between this and your lack of knowledge on my college years, I'm starting to wonder if you know me at all! :) And, speaking seems as though many of you were horrified by my activities, so I'll be providing some explanations soon enough.
Okiedokie.....moving on.

This week's topic for Eat. Live. Be. is Healthy Snacks. Mine are less than imaginative, but they work for me.
1. Fruit. Southern California has tons of it and at great prices. Always fresh and delicious!

2. Almonds. Easy enough.

3. Blake gags every time he sees it, but I'm a fat free cottage cheese fan. Pair with Saltines. Yum.

4. Taken from my friend, Kelly, years ago........veggie trays. OK, not all at once, but I buy one every week or so for $9.99 at Costco. It splits up into several snacks and it's already prepared for you!

Latest stats:
*I've lost 7 pounds total. Not totally impressive, but I'm feeling great and happy thus far.
*Last week's exercise included walking, walking, walking.
And, finally.......Koalapalooza. I know. It sounds scandalous, yes?
It was fun. At the San Diego Zoo.......lots of Australian themed exhibits. Kids were less than pleased that we didn't walk away with a real koala (?????), but they had fun anyway.
I'm still campaigning for one of these guys as a pet. LOVE them. Don't you?
Punks. Nice hit, Laine.
We watched the Sea Lion, Singing Dog, Top Gun Parrot Show. Eclectic and interesting. Sat front row in the Splash Zone. Seemed fitting for this daring day at the zoo.
Every time I see a koala, I'm reminded of the Simpsons episode where they show what goes on at the zoo after dark. Anyone remember that one? Wasn't a koala biting the head off of another animal?
Frozen fruit treats and a churro for Jack. Happy kids.
Balboa Park from the Skyfari. I'm so intimidated by this place. Anxious to figure it all out, but not sure where to start.
On the ride......
So high up. Still makes me nervous.
Because we're hanging from this simple contraption. Freaky.
I do enjoy the views. This is our favorite tree top stop.......the multi-level buildings shown here.
We had to walk 4 miles to get to the zoo because everyone else had the same brilliant idea to go on President's Day. Gorgeous weather and a day off of work. Had to be crowded.
Kids raced to keep the commute interesting.
Agenda this week:
*New phone. No, I'm not getting a damn IPhone, Shannon. It will be the latest Blackberry and only because I have to a get a new one in order to receive a company discount. I would have been totally fine keeping my hand-me-down from Blake.
*Mardi Gras decorating.
*Spring Break planning. 18 days until Carowine arrives! The Rand fam is coming in town, too! Cannot wait.
*Work. Boss has been in Vegas. She'll be cracking the whip this week.
*Lunch with said boss in La Jolla. Yes, I have the best job ever.
*Christmas list. Don't make fun. I've bought a ton of gifts and need to get organized so I don't over-buy.
Later, peeps!
For some reason we are have delicious pineapples...I've had 2 in 3 days. SO GOOD.
Christmas List = NERD big time!! Well sort of, maybe I am just super jealous you are that on the ball! Great job on the weight loss! Mine = SUCKS!! The veggie tray idea is a good one, may have to use that!
yeehaw! (as cailyn says when she is really excited...) can't wait to strap that lovely thing onto my camera (:
looks like the koalas were fun!
Christmas? For reals? WOW! Nephew Reed would impressed since he's already talking about wanting a Polar Express!
I heart the SD zoo! Yay on the 7 lbs!
Is Carter wearing skinny camos?
LC has a big mouth.
Love jack's hair and his preppy look
7 lbs that is awesome
The rands are visiting too so fun. It will be like old times.
well, go girl go. 7 lbs is awesome!!
i LOVE edamame as a snack. also string cheese and a reasonable amount of pistachios. they keep me satisfied until dinner!
i am LOVING your header pic!!! rock on.
Lord help me, yes, he's wearing Camo Skinnies. We have Pa to thank for that.
LOVE the idea of buying the veggie platter to ease with the snack prep. And $9.99 for a week's veggies? Not bad at all.
Congrats to your winner!
Ok. Shut up. You're buying Christmas already? I hate you. I mean that in the nicest way possible. I want to do that. I want to be finished Christmas shopping BEFORE Black Friday. That's my goal. As soon as the house is finished and I have a hiddy spot for gifts, I'm on it!
The zoo looks amazing!
Good job on the 7lbs! I like the idea of buying the veggie tray and splitting it up into portions! I'll have to give that a try.
Hope you're having a great week so far!
Congrats on your recent weight loss! I love pineapple and veggie trays too!
It looks like you had loads of fun at the zoo! Cute pictures of the punks!
What? I didn't win for all that hard work I put in? Whatev. It was rigged. I just know it.
I wanna go to YOUR zoo. Ours kinda sucks.
Seriously? Your CHRISTMAS LIST? I'm assuming that you're high right now. Surely you meant Easter shopping.
Headed to bed, but wanted to share my healthy snack:
1 tub of plain Greek yogurt
1 packet of fiesta ranch mix
Cut veggies
Yay for the seven pounds!
Yay for the Rands being in Cali soon!
Pa told me at T's party about Carter's camo skinny jeans. So cute!
I can't wait to see those punks! And Caroline! Oh, you and Blake, too! Ha!
Christmas shopping what? Congrats on the 7 lbs, that is awesome. Are you still doing Yoga? Koalapalooza looked like fun too. Glad you are enjoying your new job. Its good things all around for the Starnes Fam!
I just got a Droid and LOVE it!!!
I eat cottage cheese every day. Adam gags as well but it is my favorite snack.
7 lbs is awesome!! Way to go Casey!!
You go girl - 7 lbs!!! Awesome.
I really needed that strap. Can you draw again, please? Actually, I'll just go treat myself to one. It's a necessity.
Good for you on the healthy snack. My snack these days is yogurt with Bare Naked granola. I'm obsessed with it. Eating some right now as a matter of fact.
Just get a freakin' iPhone. GEEZE!!!!!!!! Even Austin is getting an iPhone. Not sure he'll know how to work it, but he's getting one :)
so I'm intrigued by this whole cottage cheese/saltines you dip it, make a sandwich with cottage cheese between two saltines, or what?
I put a spoonful of fat free cottage cheese on a saltine. Easy and delish!
Forgot to mention, I have a friend who has a turtle for a pet and it started out this cute little fella in a fish size aquarium and now it is a huge sucker with this giant tanks and wolfs down a head of lettuce in two minutes and is still hungry. It is eating her outta of her house. Plus she will have to will her turtle to family because it will out live her.
great post! i love the snack ideals!
Lainey's dress is DARLING!!! :)
Way to go!!! 7 lbs. is great!!
I really like to eat cucumbers & veggie dip. I am not sure that falls into the healthy catergory with the dip. But, I claim it as healthy! I also eat grapes by the pound!
Love the pictures from the zoo! Any thing hangs from cables scares the crap out of me!! You should see me on the gondolas! Brian is always having me "take deep breaths." THis summer at the Stampede we rode the Sky Ride thing and thank goodness my attention was on my 2 year old who thought it was a great time to wiggle and try and stand to wave to her sister behind her! Ferris Wheel ... forget about it!!
Brandon won't kiss me after I've eaten cottage cheese, and I freaking love the stuff! Yum, yum!
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