I love it. Not in a "$100 bouquet of roses" type way. But, in a way to do simple things to let everyone know how much they're loved.
Maybe it's because Christmas flies by and I'm left feeling like I missed something. Or, someone.
Either way, I love it!
Interested in doing cards this year? Be quick and take advantage of this deal. (Mine shipped within hours of submitting my order.)
24 qty 4x8 photo cards for free and $2.49 shipping. Use code 25cards at checkout. (Expires 3/31/2011.) This site allows you to basically create your cards from scratch, too, since you can remove their icons and add your own text, rearrange placement and enlarge/shrink photos. Love it!
On to the question........
***What are your Valentine traditions? Any fabulous or tragic story to attach to this holiday? Spill it!
Nothing big happens at our house for Valentine's Day. Erica's birthday is the day before on the 13th so that is the "BIG" celebration at our house. My kids love the parties at school and giving cards/treats to their classmates. Sometimes Keith and I will go out to eat, but usually not on the day because every restaurant is so busy! I do love the decorations though.
Last week, my husband thought Valentine's Day was on the 15th but that was before he asked me if it was on the 2nd Saturday of the month. So, needless to say, I have ZERO V-day traditions and if I'm lucky, I'll end up with a card.
I wish I could say we have some big love fest I could tell you about, but I have had just normal days that have been more romantic than V-Day. I do love it still. It usually means that I get to eat at one of my favorite restaurants.
I always cook Brian a really nice piece of beef. My favorite is Paula Deen's Stuffed Beef Tenderloin. That's the extent of our celebration.
My birthday is the day after Valentine's but I like to lie and tell people's it's actually ON Valentine's Day. When I turned 30 (on Valentine's day) I was living at home (with my parents) and single. I celebrated with watching Law & Order re-runs with wine. Oh, and I think my grandmother came over. Party.
Not going to lie. I've always despised V-day and I think it's because I never had a boyfriend. Even when I DID have a boyfriend it was always so forced.
I like it more now with Brad because we're laid back and cook together and get each other cards and maybe something joint for the house.
None. I buy the kids gifts but it has no real meaning or tradition at our house. I'm so glad the spree of holidays will be over soon (we all have birthdays November - February so that just adds to it).
Awesome, Kel. Where is your blog?!!!!!!
I told Trey when we first started dating (23 years ago) that I never wanted him to spend money on flowers on Valentines Day. Get them for me another day when it's unexpected and not so expensive. Plus, I'm not a rose fan. Gerber daisies or tulips are my fave.
We came up with a tradition when we got married. We switch off years and one person has to cook the other person an elaborate dinner. We're talking 4-5 course dinner. You have to pull out all the stops. It's fun! And we don't have to worry about getting a sitter or making dinner reservations.
Ok, this may be TMI, but whatevs. I'll start tame. My mom always made a big deal for Valentines Day. She made a special meal(the same one each year) andvwe had dinner by candle light as a family. Mr. Mack's bday us two days after so we are always poor and keep it pretty simple. One year when we were dating, we went to the Vagina Momolouges for vday and that was cool. Then a few years ago, we were gifted airline tickets. We used them for a trip to Little Rock because we are nerds and like Presidental libraries for a bday/vday getaway and that is the reason we have Missy Mack. Since then, we try to keep it low key.
Lots of typos. Sorry.
We don't really celebrate it. Only because almost every member in our family (and extended family) between October and March and it is just one more thing to buy for and plan for. BUT now that the kids are getting older I can't help but want to do a little something for the family. We don't have any traditions yet, but hopefully we can start some!
We usually go to dinner with our girls. Daddy usually brings us all a little something and I give the girls gifts as well. So for us it is a family day!
I am also not a fan of flowers for V-day or an anniversary. I just feel like it is way to easy on V-day when you can drive through the little tent at Kroger and get flowers from your car!! I rather get something small and thoughtful, like iced sugar cookies from Celebrity Bakery...my favorite things ever! :)
My husband isn't a real big Valentine's Day fan. "It's a made up holiday by the card companies," he says. :( But I do stuff for Reaghan. Usually a fun gift basket with her favorite candies and a little gift. I have been making Reaghan's Valentine's Day cards with a photo of her. One year we did a bookmark and that was fun. Valentine's Day always sneaks up on me though. I need to get a plan together for this year!
Last year my single friends and I went out to a delicious Italian dinner! It was definitely fun to celebrate even without having a significant other!
I love Valentine's!! We do a fun dinner with the girls--make placemats and write all the things we love about Haylee, Gracie, Mommy and Daddy. Usually light lots of candles. And we get the girls little gifts.
Bryan and I usually do dinner but on another night. When the girls are at their grandparents!
I'm not big on Vday...like, at all. i think the husband and i always buy cards and forget to give them to each other. very romantic.
in high school this kid bought me a balloon and wrote me this God-awful, ebonics ridden poem. *sigh*
It's my dad's birthday on Vday so that's always fun. i love it too. Not the go out on a cheezy date with all the other freaks, but hang at home, fun lovey things with the kids, and maybe spring for a nicer bottle of wine and do the nasty with the hubs!
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