Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day, Lovers

I love my husband. I love my kids. Love my friends and family.

Yada yada yada.

This one is for you, my darlings.

The Benefits of Blogland

(Happy to have each of one you crazies in my life!)

I get that some people don't "get it". I understand people's confusion in regards to complex online relationships. Chris Hansen scares me, too.

But, when I think of all the good that comes from our lives online, it makes me smile.

Some reasons.......

1. Now that I have a blog, a situation that might seem dreadful or tragic to others now feels like new material. For example: Two flat tires, two wrecks and an $800 oil pan repair in one month? That's funny!

2. Support. Some of the best peeps I've ever met reside in blogland.

3. Positivity. Let's face it. Blog relationships work because we see people's best side. Usually.

4. New friends. I love when I make a bloggie friend I would have otherwise never met in life. Coco, KS, Brown Eyed Girls Mom, Clare, Brittny, Heather, Froggity, and many more.....I'm talking to you!

5. Giveaways. We all like free stuff.

6. Networking. My job today came from a connection I made with our photographer nearly 2 years ago on vacation in La Jolla. We stayed in touch via Facebook and blogs. After failing at convincing her that everyone was outsourcing to Kansas for admin work, she finally hired me when I moved here. Without these social networks, this would not have happened.

7. Bragging about my funny/smart/witty/athletic/beautiful children. Of course!

8. Spin. Sometimes a healthy spin on a rough patch in life can be good for you. When Blake and I are struggling or when my kids are driving me nuts, going to the blog to paint a pretty picture reminds me of the good things in life.

9. Fresh ideas from an unlimited number of sources. People often apologize for "copying" or "borrowing" an idea from me. Umh.....where do you think I got it? Probably from another blogger. Design, recipes, travel destinations, etc. I really enjoy not having to think sometimes.

10. Humor. Lawd have mercy, I love a funny blog.

That's just 10, peeps. I could go on and on.

Hugs and kisses from Casey in California!

Oh, and stick around........I'll be posting a fabulous giveaway next. You won't want to miss it.


Jillian Bennett said...

I love it because I get to "see" you guys on a daily basis! Have a wonderful Valentines Day.

Kristen said...

Well shit... I love this. Happy hearts day. Wear something saucy for Blake tonight.
And please give the punks extra sugar and tell them it's from me and Hann.

Dee Stephens said...

Blogging has added a lot to my life and yes, there are people that just don't get it. It's like another world. A happy one. I'm with you on #8. Nice to go back and read and realize just how lucky you are. Happy Valentine's Day!

donatelli98 said...

Love you too Casey! It's funny - when I was out of town last week and didn't have time to read blogs, I was bummed! I missed you guys!

merrilee said...

Happy valentines day, my friend! Love this post and you! Xxoo

Tiffany said...

Casey in California, you're wonderful and saucy (that's a good thing) and i love you for it. happy v day. :)

Brittny said...

I love you too, stranger!!

Lauren W said...

Ditto to what Jillian said. That's what I love the most.

Lauren W said...

And may I add that you and Brittny met through ME!

The Lenzers said...

that's all i got!

Sara said...

Hope you had a happy LOVE day and enjoyed your bubbles! :) xoxo Love you!!

SASS said...

CUTEEEE! So true! I need to show this post to Tone.

Also, that deer looks like it wants it in the butt for Vday.

Life in Beverly Hills said...

This is great! You remind me why I love blogging and this gives me a kick in the rear to get back to it - no more phantom for me. :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ahhhhhh, I hate spending money on car issues! I hope you had some cocktails to help you get your mind off it! HAHA

jennykate77 said...

Yes, yes, yes, and all 10! I couldn't agree more. Most people don't get it, unless they've experienced it for themselves. They just don't know what they're missing out on!

Hope you had a Happy V-Day!♥

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