Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Totus Tuus

Carter is busy this week at our Catholic Church's version of Vacation Bible School, or Totus Tuus (Latin for "Totally Yours"). It's a catechetical summer program in which kids attend a daily routine of religious education, arts and crafts, outside play and more. They also attend Confessional, which is intriguing to me because can you imagine what the priest is hearing out of this group?!

You can't see them in the picture, but he was sure to wear his red and green bracelets today. I believe they add a color each day representing a part of the Eucharistic process. Yesterday he forgot to wear it and had to sing the Barney "I Love You, You Love Me" song to his class by himself! He was horrified.

Today he has a frisbee and football in hand to bring outside for recess. On Friday, they wear swim suits for water play. He can't wait for that.

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