A couple of the girls at our blogger lunch wanted to see a pic of the 'burb's Thule box adorned with travel stickers. Here she is. We got some in California, some on the way there, some through Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Route 66, etc. A few were from living in Colorado. Need to add some Texas and such......but here is what we have thus far.
I love this thing. Love to see others on the road and learn where they've been. Blake thinks it's ultra-dorky. Which makes me love it even more.
A few weeks ago, we attended an Open House of sorts at church for Carter's School of Religion. Lainey was obviously taken with Mary......shown here with the statue. Such cute mini-Catholics.
Inside. Love Lainey's quirky smile.
3 kiddos before Carter's musical at school a couple of weeks ago.
Our new way to capture genuine smiles during pictures. Peek-a-boo.
At school. Carter's in pajamas for his role.
"It's Saturday".......darling little production.....amazing what music teachers can do!
With friends before it started.
Sweet Carter.
Solo time!
Remember every one's favorite commenter, Shannon? Yeah. Here she is decked out in my fall gear wardrobe suggestions. Funny girl.
Leaves are still falling. And, I love them even more after learning that leaf removal is covered in our association dues. So is ice and snow after 2 inches. They even do our driveway! We're never leaving this house with those kind of amenities.
Off to my Mom's Class. 2 hours child-free.......kiddos in their own classes.....learning and having fun. So glad I found this group!
Wow, I look so Asian.
Cute kid pics. I love the Latest Scoop posts and their miscellaneous info.
i enjoyed this scoop. carter is growing up fast, no?
i HEART your thule! what a cool idea! i would totally do that. what's worse is, my hubby would probably get more into it than i would... hee hee!
i wish we had trees like that, by the way. nothin but palms and bananas in this yard. sigh!
Love the Thule box and stickers@!
That picture of Shannon is hilarious. Totally looks like you.
Carter does look so grown up, and seems to of had no problemo making new friends in a new city.
Carter is such a good kid. Although his peek-a-boo smile is not very genuine. Aren't those musicals/plays so thought out? I've been to several of Sophia's and now Lainy's and I'm always impressed. Choreography, rhyming, kids listening and singing; the whole thing.
Wish our leaves and snow were covered!!
Lucky. (Napoleon Dynamite voice)
man, gret photos! I love the fall one at the end, too!
Love the thule pic! And all those stickers already. Wow!
Music teachers are amazing. All those kids learning songs and lines and such. So fun to watch!
I also enjoyed the scoop. Cute pictures!
Hey Casey! Love the blog. I am so glad I found you, or you found me. Your family is beautiful. Great blog. I am excited about following.
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