While packing for a day out at the cove and beach, Pa remarked that the sand to goldfish ratio looked a bit high in our Tupperware container. Glad he noticed because I didn't.
We started at the cove to see the seals. There were a ton of them.....more than we've ever seen before.
Signs like this suggest tourists like us keep our distance in this area.
These yahoos obviously can't read.
Originally created for and called, "The Children's Pool"......the seals took over and claimed it as there own. Now, they're trying to integrate the two species.
Lots to see......Pa, Blake and kids taking a look. Nice tongue, Laine.
We left the cove and headed to Fatburger (who can go wrong with the name like that?). Saw this lady on her beach cruiser with that fluffy dog on board. I want to be her one day.
Heading to the beach......
First walk out to the water! So fun sharing all of this with Pa.
The seagulls, as always, were brave and ready to find food.
More seaweed this day......goofy kids dragging it across the sand.
Sea fishing, anyone?
The lifeguards are lovely........and delightfully polite when telling people to get out of the surfing waters if they're not surfing. "Good afternoon, waders. Please walk back to the shore and we'll help you find a safer place to play." I'm sure they have some other choice words to use.....but they keep it clean.
Sweetness..... She loves her Pa. They nearly share a birthday.....just one day apart!

Messy Laine.
Pa and Blake taking a break.
Surfer boy. He'd stay out all day.......come in for food and drinks here and there......but otherwise, would surf and surf. It's hard work, peeps. Lots of determination needed to learn.
Jack saw this plane and said, "Wook at dat plane hauling dat junk. Ha ha ha!" Awesome.
I give up.
Jack had to attach his boogie board like Carter does with his surf board. It's fun to be like big brother.
Lainey tried, too.
Pa helped the little ones slide around in the water.
Look at that happy kid.
Saw a few jelly fish come to shore. This one was about a foot wide. A local told me that the tide has to take him back to the ocean or he won't survive.......humans can't move them......so I'm hoping he made it back.
Multi-tasking Jack.
Would you do this?
Pa surprised the kids with boogie boards and they adore them. Tried to get a picture of the three with them and this is how it turned out. Blake is holding Lainey in place. Love how Carter is laughing at all of this.
Second attempt.
And, every year we go to the beach, we write the year in the sand and put the kids behind it. Started in '03 when Carter was just a toddler. This year's wasn't as successful as the previous ones. Jack is screaming and Lainey is hysterically scratching out my writing. Nice.
Another second attempt. FAIL.
The only 3 who can stand like normal people. Pa is about to crack up here from the circus he witnessed prior to this picture.
Waiting for the car......time to go home and take hot baths.
Lainey was obviously cold. Sweet baby looked like ET.
Asleep within 60 seconds.
We got the kids home, bathed and then took off for a date night. Went to the cove for some shopping and dinner.
Here is one of our stops from last year.......a 1/4 mile of steps in a tunnel that descends through the ground and into a cave near the water. Blake chalked this up as one of my "fails" while planning travel. I should really make a list of these excursions he wants to kill me for coordinating.
Love the seals. Look at the pup peaking out in the bottom right hand corner.
We ate here......lovely during the daytime.
And, turns into this at dark. Cozy and cute.
Quattro formaggi macaroni bake for me (carbs don't count!!!!) and spaghetti with meatballs for Blake. Delicious doesn't cover it.
Only a couple of days left. You can do it. Hang in there!
Love messy Lainey and ET Lainey. Her scratching out the year reminds me of my girls! Hope your packing is going well!
how fun! I bet you can't wait to get back! Yes, the scratching picture if priceless!
twins. again. the younger two are my kids' twins. attitude and everything. cracks me up! i want to hear more about how the move is going and how you are able to get things going so fast? i'm guessing school hasn't started yet over there. it started here last week.
Brit, I'll update you all soon on the progress. Waiting for all the pieces to fall into place......getting close!
Love the bit of plummer's crack on LC. You're gonna have to get lost of cheap swim suits when you move to Ca cause it looks like they get ruined. That jelly fish kind of freaks me out.
LC is a mess!
Holy cheesy-ness. That pasta looks fab!
When I saw the post...I thought Good Lord...we are still on vacation posts!
I don't know how Lainey can stand to be that dirty. I would scream when the sand touched me when I was her age.
That jellyfish looked pretty dead to me.
Love it. love all of it.
I need the "move" plans. when are you heading out???
Oh Lainey Lou - the messiness is adorable!! I bet she had sand in every crevice of her body.
I love how determined Carter is with the surfing. And I love the fact that he stands there and smiles at the camera even though his siblings are throwing fits. Hilarious!
Jack imitating Carter with his boogie board is precious!
I'm not tired of the trip updates - keep em coming!!
Aw, those seals are tired! And I'm nervous for that dog - his seat doesn't look quite big enough!
Lainey is grossing me out!
Sand and goldfish, yuck!
I am so jealous of your trip.
I am so impressed with Carter and his surfing. Way to go!
fatburger and water sports/surfing?? nice!! jelly fish??? nooo. not pretty.
I love the kiddos passed out after a fun day at the beach!
Lainey playing the in sand is priceless! Love that she is not afraid to get a little messy!
Pa's a GREAT sport! He'll do all the stuff I won't! Swiming with the jellyfish is included.
It looks like he had a great time. I'm so glad you were able to share this part of our lives with him. So many good memories, and so many more to come!
So impressed with Carter and the surfing!
LC and the sand. Holy cow!
Jack is so precious wanting to be like his big brother. And he looks so big toting that board.
Bet you're loving reliving your vacay through these posts!
Love Lainey covered in sand....that is going to be an everyday reality soon. Carter is right, surfing is tough work and takes MANY hours in the water to perfect.
I have never seen a jellyfish on any beach here. Also, most of the lifeguards here are HOT....seriously, I have to remind myself to stop staring at times.
Love the 3 men. They are all standing the EXACT SAME. So cute.
Carter looks HUGE on that surfboard! Love LC and Jack meltdowns. My favorite.
man oh man...what a great vacation!
Looks like y'all are still having a blast! I really am not a beach person (sad b/c we live minutes away from one), but your pics are making me want to go to the beach!
What a lovely time!!! I sooo love seals...
Good luck on your adventure..follow your dreams my friend....they will take you to all the right places. xoxoxo HUGS
It looks like another fun day with the punks! That E.T. picture is a HOOT!
You gusy really packed it in! I the boogie board pictures the best!
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