Early 20's for me. No doubt. So much fun and independence, but we were old enough to not make the dumber mistakes we made in our late teens. College. Tons of travel on very little money. Live music every weekend. I was a total free spirit back then.
Disclaimer: This does not mean I don't love my life now......this does not mean I don't love my husband and kids.
***If you could go back and re-live any age from your past, what would it be? Now, you don't get to change things......just experience them again.
When I began to date Ryan in 1997 for sure! I lived with 2 other girls...but there were 9 of us all seperated into 3/3 bedroom apartments. We went out alot, had a blast...and come on...new love? There is nothing like that butterfly feeling of the newly dating...
I was working and making my own money (not much) and was so carefree!!
Early 20's for me, too. Summers in college especially...
Right out of college, too. Living in Deep Ellum in an awesome apartment within walking distance of Green Room, The Bone, Gypsy Tea Room, etc. Making very little money, but somehow managed to go out every night after work....good times.
21 -- Footloose, fancy free and no responsibility! Whoooo hooo!
mid-twenties living out west and exploring CA,AZ and NV
Ooh, college was amazing.
*Sinks into college reminiscing*
Mid way through college... had broken up with the high school sweetheart and started to have a lot more fun!!
for sure early 20s....i was cute and wild and a ton of fun to be with!!! am i allowed to say that about myself?
unfortunately i made few mistakes in my teens and did stupid shiz in my early twenties...horrible learning curve.
i'd love to be 19 again. it was the best year of college...i miss my girlfriends so much.
ps- love your disclaimer. :)
Carrie.....1997!!!! Wow. Love your living arrangements, too.
This is a hard one. I was such a boring person in college. I was not one to "live on the edge." I didn't do anything too wild (other than work in a night club - that opened my eyes to a whole 'nother world!!) I really loved my childhood. Running around outside with all the neighborhood friends, childhood activities (before they got really competitive), swimming ALL DAY LONG in our pool, not a care in the world. My parents were young and were A LOT of fun. I have so many wonderful memories from growing up. I would go back to elementary school.
i would go back to dating my husband again. most fun i've ever had! and since we don't get to act like that or live like that or just exist like that anymore it would be awesome fun to do it again! we started medical school 6 weeks after we got married so we went from hanging out all the time to friday nights and sunday mornings, literally overnight. then came babies. yeah, it'd be fun to go back to those carefree days! and the wedding weekend was the best part of it all. SO FUN!!!!
Isn't it funny how everyone says their 20's?? I wonder if we'll look back 10 or 20 years from now and say: Our 30's for sure??
I too would re-live my early 20's. Getting married and then traveling all over the place. Two incomes, no strings attached and being able to go and do whatever we wanted. Such a fun time!
I would totally go back to my junior year in HS when Bobby and I were boyfriend/girlfriend. He was the pitcher of the varsity baseball team and I LOVED watching him play. It was my every Tuesday and Friday afternoon during the season. I also LOVED Friday night football. Getting ready to take the field in my Eaglette uniform. LOVE, LOVE, LOVED those days! I'm so lucky and fortunate to still have Bobby in my life and still have my Eaglette girls in my life!
Boy, this is hard for me because I loved High School, football games, friends, hanging out, boyfriends, being skinny, eating Taco Bueno everyday.
But I also really loved college. I loved ATM so much and I had so much fun with little care in the world. My parents were so fabulous and supportive during this time.
And I also loved the early days of dating and being married to Mr. Mack. We were poor, creative and had a lot of fun together.
Early 20's. Weren't those days awesome? Oh and late 20's in Hawaii. JUST AS AWESOME. Okay, all 20's. I was SO SKINNY!
Ducky, Robby, Steel???, Shawn, Aimee (not so fun), Millie, Tiffany, Elliot, Dorothy, Tammy. The Varsity, The Bayou, The Library...What was the one that opened right by the cave? Early 20's!
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