I've had lots of questions about my new look, so here are the deets:
I was given an anonymous "gift" for Christmas.....a head-to-toe blog makeover. My gift giver has still not revealed herself, so the mystery continues.
Anyone? Anyone?
I was contacted by the designer in December letting me know she'd be in touch soon to go over my options. Her wait time currently is about 10 weeks, so she's good people. Waiting = worth it. I filled out a questionnaire detailing my likes/dislikes and what I was looking for. I linked her to blogs I loved. I gave her some ideas of colors, fonts, etc.
We first worked on the header. I chose to go "generic" with no pictures because I am hoping to update with each season, but keep a uniformed design throughout the year. I then chose 5 tabs - to add to the top or the side - I chose the top. The fab 5:
Home - Duh.
About - All about yours truly and these wacky people I live with. My old school blogger profile is included here, too.
Favorites - Links to my most treasured posts.
QOTW - Questions I've asked my blogging peeps.
Books - A log of my reading for the year (Remember my goal of 30 books? I'm on #7, baby!)
Finally, we worked on my signature. And, I love it. Shannon recommended I change my blog title to "Casey in K.C.", when we moved here, which I thought was cute. However, you all know in this gypsy-like state of life we're in, we could be in New Jersey next year. (No, I'm not kidding.)
Emily, the designer, did the rest. I'm tweaking things here and there....cleaning up the sidebar and I'll continue to change small details occasionally, because when the Red Bull kicks in, there's no stopping me.
Overall, I love it. It's fresh and clean and I feel like a supa-star with the fancy tabs at the top. Almost like I know what I'm doing here.
Check out Emily here if you're interested.
Oh, and one more thing.....did you notice that cute little birdy next to my address in your tool bar? That's called a favicon. Shannon designed it for me. I adore it.
Back soon with a Valentiney update, more pictures from our visit with Pa (hush, Coco and Carrie), and some Scoop.
Fabulous! I love it! You are a rock star!!!
Thx for the deets!
What a great gift! Love the look!
man, i wish i had anonymous friends like yours! i am pretty over my blog and want someone to do a design for me. i have to get myself focused on what i want first though. i do love yours, very clean...mine is just boo!
love it! I'll need a makeover after the wedding..
It looks wonderful, love it! It's a perfect fit for you!
hey my sister might move to NJ too! ;)
yes love the look.
since i don't post enough i would be such a poser to get an "official" blog/look.
but i do need to do something generic b/c i am tired of changing it all the time.
New blog = LOVE
Are you sick of my + and = yet. They won't stop til after Valentines day, so deal with it.
Now I have to go look at Tiffany's blog to see how bad it really is. :)
What a great gift to give someone! It looks fabulous.
What a great gift to give someone! It looks fabulous.
And if anybody else wants to know how to do their own favicon, I have a screencast tutorial on my blog today on how I did Casey's.
I love your new look! Between you and Coco I am thinking hard about changing!
I love your colors, the clean looks, and the signature is way cool! You go supa-star!
i love your look! wish i could get brave enough to try something as wonderful...
but 'blog talk' sounds like the adults on peanuts cartoons to me ... you know 'wah wah wah wah wah...' :)
i love the icon and signature!
What a sweet gift! I've been trying to figure out how to make my own design, I'm a pro with Paintshop Pro. I couldn't tell you how many blog layouts I've done for other sites but for the life of me I can't figure out the sizes right!
It's a really cool idea to have a "blog fairy!"
I love love love it! Thanks for sharing. Maybe I'll treat myself to a blog makeover.
Looks really good! Love the colors! And the little birdie is my favorite :)
I love the new look!
LOVIN' IT!!! And you do know what your doing!!! (at least way more than most of us)
What an awesome gift! Is the mystery just killing you? It would me. I love your new look and I need me at least a favicon.
An anonymous gift?! No way! What a hoot! It's perfect!
That is so cool that you got an anonymous blogging makeover from someone-If you ever figure out who, I would LOVE to know because I'm looking to start another blog and I think this 'style' would fit perfectly!
Fabulously done :D
i have to get myself focused on what i want first though. i do love yours, very clean...mine is just boo!
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